Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Everyday Is A Gift

We had such a good day yesterday.  Rachel's choice for spending the day was an outing to Lititz and lunch out.   We shopped, had tea and a scone (we had lunch before we went to Lititz), went to the Wilbur Chocolate Factory store, and an antique store, before we headed back home.

The clan gathered last night at my parents house for swimming and ice cream sundaes.  

I got to spend time with both my pregnant girls (daughter in love and daughter), swim, see my granddaughter, eat sugar free ice cream.

I also got to feel one of my granddaughters moving.

 Tim and our pastor, Mike, worked together to make Rachel a stand for her cello.

 They did a great job on it.  Here it is with her cello in it this morning.

I am most thankful for another day together, as a family.  We know and trust that God has us in His hands and that nothing happens that He has not allowed.  We also know that we do not know what a day may bring, as God works in our lives. So we walk in Grace, trusting Him.

 Everyday is a gift.


Cheryl said...

"Every day is a gift." Amen! That is so true.

I am glad that Rachel had a lovely birthday celebration and that you were able to be together. So exciting to be looking forward to two more girlies...such a special time of anticipation.

The cello stand is a fabulous gift!

Sandi said...

Every day. So true.

Daniela said...

My dearest Deanna, I so love your new header and this post of yours is truly amazing, so true and meaningful, thanks most sincerely, sweet friend !

Hope you're having a lovely week I'm sending my dearest love to you, thinking of you with so much sweetness

xox - Dany

Linda said...

A gift, indeed!!! That stand is beautiful! A true labor of love!

Lorrie said...

Yes. Everyday. Daily grace.

podso said...

I've never seen a cello stand like that--pretty cool. My dad always just found a corner to stand his in.

Debby Ray said...

What a beautiful cello stand. Yes, you are right...every day is a gift.

Thankful for Grace said...

This is my first visit to your blog. I am just getting back to blogging after a long hiatus, and I saw your blog listed on the sidebar of another blog. Creekside Cottage just sounded so tranquil and beautiful, so I had to stop by for a visit.

I once saw a quote that went, "Every day is a gift, so untie the ribbons."

The cello stand is absolutely beautiful. Your husband and pastor do awesome woodwork.

Patti @ Embracing Home

Estelle's said... lovely! What a beautiful gift!

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Yes, every day is a gift from the Great Giver of all gifts.

The cello stand is great!

Have a good week ~ FlowerLady

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