Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, June 6, 2016

Garden: A Rain Storm's Affect

Two hard rains this week have taken their toll on my roses and peonies.

 So sad.  The roses will get another blooming in or maybe two before summer is over, but the peonies, at least these dark pinks are done.  I'm glad I cut a few more the other day!

This garden in the front of the house faces northwest, and is in shadow this morning still.

My spirea is blooming

And so is Larkspur

The hollyhocks are doing very well

 So are my Feverfew

The Annabelle hydrangea are looking great

And this hollyhock is looking good too!

I'm glad all is not lost in this garden!  I also got some salvia at a deep discount this past week.  We were at Lowes and they were marking their small pots down to .50!  I bought five for this front garden, and I bought four sweet potato vine's for the same price.  The sweet potatoes are going into pots for the deck with white geraniums!

I haven't checked the gardens behind the house to see how those are doing, yet, so I need to get out to do that soon.  I need to transplant my two zucchini plants today - I'm going to keep them in pots this year as they are the only veg I'm growing this year, other than any volunteer tomatoes that might come up.

How are your gardens this year?

Linking up with Bernideen and Sandi for some fun!  Thank you ladies for hosting these weekly gatherings!  

And I'm joining a new to me gathering The Art of Homemaking.


Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Deanna, you have a lovely garden! The fence is so pretty with your plants growing next to it. Alas, we weren't allowed to have a fence here in our subdivision. I'm sorry the heavy rain ruined your roses and peonies. I know it's very disappointing when that happens. I'm still waiting for my roses to bloom and I think they may take their good old time if it doesn't warm up soon. I love the Island but I sure wish our summers were longer and warmer! Thank you for linking up and sharing with us today. Have a wonderful week.


Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Your garden is grand, white picket fence and lovely flowers.

Cheryl said...

I always enjoy seeing the rotation of loveliness in your gardens!!

podso said...

Our hydrangeas are all drooping to the ground with all the water from our big rain storm. Maybe they will perk up. The rest of your gardens look healthy and well … amazing to me, who doesn't know much, that you have volunteer tomato plants!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

We must be on the tail end of the storms you had because we're now getting heavy rains and thunderstorms. I hope it's all finished and plants are standing for the garden tour we're part of this Sunday. So sad when the peonies get beaten down as you've shown, isn't it?

Theresa said...

My gardens are making me smile, lots of flowers and veggies! Sorry about the damaged flowers:( My roses are getting some Japanese Beetles:( Gotta get to work on those! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Debby Ray said...

It's it something how the very thing that we need to make our garden grow can also nearly destroy it at times? I'm sorry you lost your pretty peonies, if only for a season. I love the purple blossoms on the spirea! Enjoy your week!

Bernideen said...

I love your garden Deanna! Everything looks wonderful! You must have green thumbs! Thanks for sharing and linking.

Tim said...

Deanna, its great to hear about and see your garden!

Unknown said...

Oh your cottage garden is beautiful. Sorry the blooms were lost. We've had rains too. But mine are all in pots so I could move them in.
Thanks for sharing. I'm following you. Come over and visit me.

JES said...

Your garden is beautiful and features all of my favorite flowers! Thank you for joining us on the Art of Home-Making Mondays! :)

Information Friday

  The weather is turning milder, and next week is going to be warm! I can't wait to get busy in the garden again. This video is "gr...