Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Home Keeping: Summerizing The Kitchen (and Living Room)

When I found this wall hanging at Christmas Tree Shops, I knew I had found my summer theme.

It was ridiculously inexpensive, and even though it was an impulse purchase, I bought it!  How many times can you find something for the home with the Preamble to the Constitution on it?   It's pretty heavy so I have it sitting on the big shelf over our stairway to the basement. (big changes coming to this area, hopefully this summer!)

My kitchen and living room  are completely open to each other - it's basically one big room, so I keep the themes unified in every season.  Usually I don't decorate for summer, I just lighten things up after the winter and it stays that way until Autumn.  But this year, I am in the mood to go all red, white and blue for summer.

 This is outside the kitchen door, where most of our guests enter our home.

 Just inside the door to the left.

 I have an oak cabinet just to the right inside the kitchen door then these cabinets between the stove and sink.

 This is on the other side of the sink 

 I found this great book holder at a thrift store.  I am keeping my Trim Healthy Mama cookbook here this summer.

 I painted this tea cup holder on Saturday.  It used to have a gold finish on it.  I like it better with ASCP Old Ochre.

 I brought out my tea cups that have red or blue on them.

We still need to get our over the stove microwave.  Maybe this week.  That will free up some counter space where we've had a small countertop microwave.  We've been waiting to do this since before Thanksgiving, just keeping it real.  That's the way things go when you choose to live debt free.

Joining the Art of Homemaking, Teacup Tuesday, Tuesday Cuppa Tea, Bernideen for BTTCG, Sandi @ No Place Like Home and Thoughts of Home on Thursday


Sandi said...

I LOVE the red flower tea cup!

I love the preamble plaque too. I always hear it in Captain Kirk's voice. Remember when he recited it on Star Trek?


Thankful for Grace said...

I love a red, white, and blue theme for summer. I'm always 1/3 of the way there---our main level (living room, dining room, kitchen) has red walls. (Not something I would have chosen, but the house came this way, and we've come to love it.)

I have the word "hope" done in calligraphy and framed and hanging over the couch in my living room.

Your silver tea service is gorgeous. It looks just like the one I inherited from my grandmother. Do you use yours? Or is it just decoration?


Vee said...

Wonderful summer decor! Bring on the red, white, and blue...sure looks great. And, I love your impulse purchase and am glad that you added it to your decor. A teaching tool without teaching. You can't go wrong.

Linda said...

It just could not be any prettier!! I simply LOVE the way you did up the mantle!

Margie said...

I really enjoyed seeing your blue and red teawares. My favourite is the blue teacup with the cute little feet!

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Your home looks so cozy, Deanna. I love your teacup stand and the holder. You have some very nice pieces of transferware which I love. I think you and I have the same oak cabinets in our kitchens. I like your wall hanging too. It's unique. Thanks so much sharing with us.


podso said...

I love your summer touches. Patriotic colors are what I like to use in the summer.

At Rivercrest Cottage said...

very cheerful and charming. love all the teacups and how you incorporated them into your designs.

Antiques And Teacups said...

What a charming display of red, white and blue...and I love your new sign! Thanks for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

I think you and I are on the same wave length, I went all out with red, white and blue too and it feels so good!
Such pretty Summery, patriotic vignettes in your home and those tea cups, garland and silver set add just the finishing touches!
I was happy to have you visit me this morning and I will be looking for you at TOHOT tomorrow!
Have a lovely Wednesday,

GranthamLynn said...

Great Red,White and Blue tour! I love the Preamble. How cool. I love that vintage plate rack too. You've got a lovely home. Thanks for sharing. I linked a Patriotic quilt I'm working on. (taking a break and visiting for awhile) Come over and see me. I have a new Giveaway that started. Enjoy your day.

Bernideen said...

Dear Deanna:
What a wonderful patiotic posting and I love the color you painted your teacup holder. Thanks so much for sharing and linking.

Lisa said...

I love the new wall hanging! It's so great you got it on sale. It's wonderful to find a deal isn't it? I'm loving your red white and blue touches and your tea cups and saucers are adorable. You can never go wrong with blue and white! said...

Very pretty! Everything looks so nice.

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

LOVE that preamble wall hanging!

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Beautiful collection of china. I really like the new color for the cup holder. Very pretty!

Laura said...

Red , white, and blue says summer, doesn't it?
I always love seeing your thrifted finds. The cookbook holder is perfect.

Stacey said...

I see so many things that I really like in your kitchen. You have so many sweet little dishes you've incorporated and they are my favorite! Love your touches of red, white, and blue for the summer. We are quite the summerizers, aren't we? :)

Happy Thoughts of Home!

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