Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, June 10, 2016

Home Keeping: Another Project Completed

This time the vanity in the master bathroom.  I love how it looks.  It was of course like the other vanity, and boring 80's oak.  Eventually, Tim and I are going to rip out the bathtub you see to the right - in the awful beige color - and make it a walk in shower. 

The door to the left houses the toilet, and a small shower, which will become a storage space.  We are still thinking through opening that space up with a half wall or just leaving it the way it is.

But by changing the big garden tub to a walk in shower space the house will be upgraded, and when my parents move in, this will be their bathroom and much more user friendly.

My last big project of the summer (for the house) is to paint the kitchen cabinets.  I've learned a lot from painting the vanities.  The only decision left is to decide what I'm going to seal them with, wax or a varnish?  That is the question!  

Any thoughts?

Joining Thoughts of Home on Thursday at White Spray Paint blog!


Laura said...

Deanna- we too are in the process of making some changes in our home- little by little.
There is always something to do.
Looking ahead to your parents moving in in such a lovely thing to do.
Thank you for joining us at Thoughts of Home.
I am so glad you are here.

podso said...

Interesting thoughts about your bathroom and future plans. The cabinet looks good and I love the pretty green walls.

Cheryl said...

It looks fabulous, Deanna!! (Also, that is a really pretty paint color!)

You are on a roll! Can't wait to see your kitchen cabinets!!

Tracy said...

If you're paining the cabinets white, most varnish will look yellow.

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