Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Bathroom Update

Progress was slow this week, but we did get the painting done.  It was made slower, due to two things, 

1. I didn't like the original color I bought and 

2. We had some patching to do.

I was trying to color match Old Ochre by ASCP.  I knew it would be a bit different due to being latex paint and that it was satin not a chalk finish, but it turned out a kind of tan/griege color.  We mixed an off white color latex into it and used that.  I still wasn't sure how I liked it, this room is really tough because of no natural light.  At times it looks grey, or still tannish in tone, but during the afternoon, if its a sunny day and some natural light happens to creep down the hall and into the opening of the bathroom...well, then it is a color I like very much!

Either way, I'm going to live with it for now.

Here are some photos
 This spot under the light holder was behind the mirror and was a nice gaping hole from the previous owners. light fixture.  The two other times I painted this room, Tim was away and the hole never got fixed which wasn't a huge deal because the mirror hid it.  However I'm going to do a different mirror in here, so the hole got patched.

Being short (I'm 5'1" on a good day) trying to cut in when painting is challenging.  I've done it for years, because painting the rooms were always my projects, chosen for days we was working 12 hours or out of the country even!  But now, I get him to help me if possible, or one of the girls.  I am the roller queen however!
 This photo was taken to show you how we filled all the holes and nugies on the walls.

 With the light over the vanity gone, we had to bring a lamp into the bathroom to be able to see better.  Here I am looking at the paint and deciding it is too tan.

These next photos are from today.  In the early morning light, with just the fan light on it still looks tannish over the sink.

And it looks griege in this photo with the new shower curtain.
You'll have to take my word that the color is not grey or tan.  It really is softer and lighter.

I know that the color can be affected by the pine flooring color reflecting up onto the paint and the paint in the hallway which is a green color.  I am planning to paint the hallway, and I originally was going to do the same color, but now may just buy a shade of white.

Look what I found when searching for a look at Old Ochre ASCP.  Annie now has wall paint!

I'm still uncertain of what will go back into the bathroom.  I want to take my time in hanging things, but I do know that we are going to go with Tim's idea of having the kids hang their towels in their bedrooms, probably on the backs of their doors, or behind the doors.  That is an easy way to deal with towel clutter in the bathroom.

I'll continue to take photos of my progress, and if I happen to capture the elusive color, I'll be sure to show you!


Rebecca said...

Getting paint colors "right" IS a tricky thing. So many factors to consider and really no way to know unless you do test patches at home - and THEN have to observe in different sorts of light, etc.

Cheryl said...

Thanks for letting us follow along and for giving us a peek at your thought process while working on this project. So often, decorating is just that...a process! We begin with one idea and then tweak it along the way. Have fun!!

Anonymous said...

Work has done good. It has come out well wit good finishing.

podso said...

Ah Color! Love it and hate it. We are about to paint our bathroom this week and have the walls repaired and I used our local paint color whisperer---who chose just right for me before, so I'm trusting him on this--but not at all sure. I think I'm determined to like it. I like the color you ended up with. It's similar--or so it looks--to what I used on our half bath.

Cheryl said...

P.S. Forgot to say that I LOVE your new shower curtain!!

Linda said...

Sometimes you just have to live with it awhile to see what happens.....

GranthamLynn said...

Love the shower curtain too! From a housekeepers perspective...great idea to provide special hooks for the kids! I always have a hard time with paint too. Thanks for sharing. I came over from another blog because I liked your name. I'm following now. Come over and visit.

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