Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, June 20, 2016

Garden: What's Blooming

At 9:00 am my front garden is still mostly in shadow.  Since our house faces northwest, we get mostly afternoon sun in this garden. 

 It is my main garden, filled with Hydrangea, Roses, Peonies, Hollyhocks, Poppies, Feverfew, Bleeding Heart, Iris (2 kinds), some daisy like mums that bloom in fall, Purple Coneflower, Blackeyed Susans.

Let's see what's in bloom this morning.

 As you come up to the house you are greeted by this beauty of a spirea - goldmound.  It is lovely with chartreuse leaves and deep pink flowers.  Our lamppost (not pictured) is right in front of it.

 Then you reach the Larkspur and Hollyhocks.

 This Daylily is tucked in behind some coneflower, as is this Lychnis.
 My coneflower grows so tall!

 The Hollyhocks are such a deep color they are considered black.  I used to have beautiful pink and raspberry colored ones, but those died out.  I did sow these from seed and I hope to get more colors.  They are such a delightfully old fashioned kind of flower.

 The Feverfew is doing really well.

 More Hollyhocks

 My new Annabelle Hydrangea!  

 My poppies are short lived and bloomed already.  I think I may have one or two that haven't bloomed yet, and if I can catch them in bloom, I'll be sure to show you!

The weekend went well - with all the busyness, I had forgotten that Lindsay hosted a airsoft event at our house.  They had stuff set up all over the backyard and pasture, and had a grand time.  I had a lovely luncheon - didn't take one photo.

We had a lovely, laid back Father's Day yesterday.  Since we have heated up back here, we went to my parents house (Camp Geezer) to swim, grill, and hang out.  I only took one photo and it was a selfie!

The girls and their friends are on their way to the youth conference!  Sarah was feeling sick last night and so afraid she wouldn't be able to go!  Turned out to be indigestion and with the right meds, she went to sleep and was happy and excited this morning!  They are several hours into a 10 hour trip.  They'll arrive home Sunday afternoon - exhausted, happy and challenged in their walk with the Lord.  Can't beat that!

Happy Monday everyone!

Sharing with Bernideen for BTTCG and Sandi for No Place Like Home


Cheryl said...

Nice selfie!! Sounds like a lovely weekend with a wonderful mix of fellowship, fun, food, and relaxation! Weekends can be restorative!

Blessings on your girls as they travel! It's going to be quiet at your house this week!

Vee said...

Great selfie! So glad that Sarah was able to go. I know that they will have a blast.

Lorrie said...

Cute selfie - you look wonderful! I enjoyed the tour of your garden.

Sylvia said...

Enjoyed my walk through your garden, everything looks great! Thanks for the tour.

Debby Ray said...

You have many lovelies growing in your garden, Deanna! Thank you for the tour :)

Bernideen said...

Dear Deanna:
Your garden is looking lovely! I loved seeing what's coming along! Thanks for sharing and linking.

Information Friday

  The weather is turning milder, and next week is going to be warm! I can't wait to get busy in the garden again. This video is "gr...