Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Busy Weekend

The girls, and their friends,  are headed to their youth conference on Monday.  This means that Saturday a friend from NY who is also going is arriving with her mom, my friend Jen. They will stay overnight, then Jen will head back to NY.  

I also have a luncheon at my friend Karen's house on Saturday.  I love when this group of ladies gets together, though we'll miss Cheryl.  These ladies are all veteran home educators, with a love for living books, and giving our children a love for learning.  It's a joy to spend time with them!

photo from our luncheon in August

Sunday is Father's Day!  Can't wait to give Tim the gift I ordered and also give my Dad his gift!

Kyle will go home with my parents Sunday night, as he and Kamryn are spending the night and having an adventure on Monday!

This next week should be slower, as it will be only Tim, Kyle and I at home!  

What is happening at your home this weekend?


Linda said...

We are still tucked into our little camper in the country! We hit the halfway mark today. The days are so much slower than at home but they are slipping away much too fast!!

podso said...

It sounds like you have a fun weekend ahead! Enjoy.

Humble wife said...

I love when a group of home schoolers get together! Deanna I must smile and say like you, I am ALWAYS easy to pick out of a crowd by identifying the not so tall one :)

Have a great weekend.

Rebecca said...

Your weekend (and upcoming week) sound full & enriching. Hubby is mowing lawn today; we have been given tickets to go to a play in a great venue about an hour away this evening! Tomorrow I'll go to be with parents while hubby works at the hardware....Sunday, time with my father in the afternoon. I am trying to think of a good crockpot meal or pasta salad, etc. Maybe a taco salad????

Cheryl said...

It's going to be a busy and delightful weekend for you!! I am going to be thinking about you all tomorrow and missing you! Maybe next time...

GranthamLynn said...

Great plans. Lovely group! Enjoy your weekend. I'm enjoying getting your emails so I can come over every time you post! Come over and visit me!

Thankful for Grace said...

Oh, I recognize Cheryl from Thinking About Home.

A group of like-minded homeschooling friends is such a blessing. Y'all can encourage each other during those difficult days. You can help each other to stay the course!

We have a busy weekend. We have 5 cherry trees, and they are all ripe and ready to go. We will be picking cherries pretty much all day tomorrow. We've invited friends to come and pick too.

Happy weekend with your friends,

Theresa said...

What a fun time with friends:) It is supposed to be a little cooler this weekend and I hope to get outside and do some weed pulling! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Vee said...

Have a happy time with the gals! I am having a quiet weekend planning for next weekend's events. There are photographs all over the place.

Mama to 12, so far said...

Um, is that Karen Andreola? If so, you are a lucky gal!
Haven't commented in a long while.
Sounds like a wonderful time you had!

Information Friday

  The weather is turning milder, and next week is going to be warm! I can't wait to get busy in the garden again. This video is "gr...