Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, June 24, 2016

A Tween Boys Room

Kyle's room was in need of some rearranging and organizing, even though he thought it was fine.  Unfortunately for him (but not really), when the previous owners of our cottage added a master suite, they decided to just make a door from this bedroom into the master suite.  What that means is that for us to get to our bedroom, we have to walk through his room.

That means we see it every day, many times a day, and when it needs some attention, we notice!  So Wednesday he and I, with some help from Kamryn, worked on his room.

You can see a few shots of what it looked like before in this post.

Here is what it looks like now.

 This is the view from the hallway.  His bed used to be across the window, his desk on this wall, and his bookcase much closer to the doorway into my room because of his bed frame.

 He suggested putting his desk under the bed, and it just fit.  It is mostly filled with Legos.

 He's definitely outgrowing somethings, but he is sentimental and not ready to put his PillowPal in storage. (smile)

 I found this great kids chair at Goodwill several years ago.  We've now made a reading corner for him.

 He loves these Professor Noggin games!

 Boy treasure: a flat rock, a tracker, a feather, good books...

Emma made his copy of Psalm 23, and Lindsay sketched George Washington for him.

Kyle's bed from my bedroom doorway.  This Astronomy posters are coming down this week, he needs help with the tacks on the top, or they'd already be down.  We have found that he absorbs information that he is surrounded by, so we put up things that correlate to his interests or that go along with his studies.  This last year he studied astronomy, before that we had a huge map of the US on his wall.  Still looking for something to put up for this year.

By simply moving his bed and putting the desk under the bed, we opened up a lot of space and made it much for functional for him, without having to do anything major in this room.

If my parents sell their house later this year, Kyle will be moving to another room, and this room will become a sitting room for my parents and they will have the master suite as well.  The window in this room will become a door, so they will have their own entrance or at least a door for emergencies or to just go out and sit on the porch! (which will be added)


podso said...

I like the wall color and it looks like a boys' room! But a well organized one!

JoAnne said...

It's so sweet when boys are sentimental about their childhood things. My son (who is 18 by the way) is still like that. The legos are another story - they can take over the house if we let them! I'm sure your son is enjoying his "new" room.

Information Friday

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