Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Beauty In Every Day Things

If we have eyes to see, there is beauty all around us.  The way the light falls on the table or streams through a window, flowers clipped from the garden and placed in a canning jar, a peony by the kitchen sink, eggs gathered and washed, fresh strawberries from the garden.

Where do you find beauty?

Joining Laura, Stacey, Jemma, and Laura today for Thoughts of Home on Thursday.


Donna said...

Just Gorgeous shots girl!!

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

I love the photos and thoughts. Finding joy in simple things is a great gift.

Stacey said...

Yes, yes, I love this kind of post. Simple everyday things are what life is truly made of. Your photos are spectacular.

Happy Thoughts of Home. We adore having you!

podso said...

Your peonies are lovely. I'm sure their scent is lovely too. And you wouldn't need to color Easter eggs. I like your sightings of beauty today and your new header.

Laura said...

I feel exactly the same way.
That is why the tagline on my blog is -finding delight in simple things.
Enjoyed visiting and thank you for being at Thoughts of Home.

Rebecca said...

Beautiful photos of some of the best "things" in life ♥ said...

Lovely photos. I enjoy bringing one or two peonies inside's just hard getting rid of all those ants on the flowers.
I also like your new blue header and photos, meant to tell you previously, but forgot too.

Sandi said...

I swear I can smell those strawberries!

Information Friday

  The weather is turning milder, and next week is going to be warm! I can't wait to get busy in the garden again. This video is "gr...