Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

This and That

After a wet spring, we hadn't been getting much rain here in June, but this week is changing all of that.  Thunderstorms have been making their way through and giving us plenty of rain.  The garden is loving it.

I had a question about my shower curtain.

 A few showers and those wrinkles steamed right out!

I bought my shower curtain at Bed, Bath and Beyond.  It was a bit pricey for me, but I get a discount through Kay so that brought it down to Target pricing.  I reminded me of fabric I used to make Sarah a dress five years ago this Christmas!

It was one of my favorite dresses ever.  I still have some scraps of this fabric in my stash!

Someone also asked to see what my cabinets looked like before I painted.  I don't have a great photo of the whole cabinet but I do have some of the other section that is yet to be painted.  They are the same cabinets.

Just a light oak.  Imagine these done in ASCP Old White!  It's going to be great!  This photo is old, by the way.  We don't have those couches anymore and the table is turned and the hutch is over by the front door now!  I think this was before Tim stained the table and sealed it.  Oh yes, you can see that the table legs are not painted!  And we still had both Samantha and Sadie with us!  They are under the table.  Wow!  Memories!

On Wednesday Emma and I are meeting up with a dear friend from Texas.  I'll take photos, as its the last we'll see her for a while, and share them with you later this week.


Tim said...

I love the gardening pix. Coneflowers are some of my favorite.

Linda said...

I can see why you wanted white cabinets!!! Excellent choice and it all looks so nice!!

Debby Ray said...

Love that shower curtain, especially with those plates...perfect match! Your white cabinets will looks so nice :)

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Our garden is doing a happy dance, too. We were entering a drought which was remarkable after that wet spring.

janice15 said...

This weather thing going on is just silly. Love the garden and rain does it good for sure. Pretty shoer curtain and plates. Love your large table need one for our family dinners.. Happy Wednesday with love Janice

podso said...

Your garden is thriving. So pretty!

Ginny said...

Your flowers look great. Up here in western NY, we haven't had significant rain since May (I think), so we are watering the vegetable garden, containers, and the hostas I had to move when we had a tree taken down. I am concerned about people setting off illegal fireworks on the 4th; with it so very dry, fires are a concern, although I haven't heard of any towns cancelling their celebrations.

Your kitchen cabinets look nice. If I had the time, and mostly the energy, I might consider painting mine, which are oak like yours are. I am thinking of getting some of the new peel and stick backsplash (available for ordering at several of the local big box home improvement centers). We didn't put up a backsplash when we built our house, and the peel & stick seems like an easy alternative, plus it's easily removable by heating with a hairdryer! But I might have to paint the kitchen, too. Sigh.

Theresa said...

Love the shower curtain and that sweet little one with the big smile:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I like them and so do the finches!

Information Friday

  The weather is turning milder, and next week is going to be warm! I can't wait to get busy in the garden again. This video is "gr...