Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Fun Afternoon and Evening At Hershey Park

An older couple, who we've helped with big projects and little ones over the years, (Tim used to work with the husband) gifted all FIVE of us with SEASON PASSES for Hershey Park!  We were so surprised! It was a very generous gift.

Yesterday afternoon the kids and I went up and the first thing we rode was the Great Bear.

I kept my eyes closed the whole time!  I used to do roller coasters and enjoy them loops and all, but over the years I stopped.  My weight was an issue, but also I just didn't care to ride them.  I do have a lower back issue so I have to be careful now, but this ride doesn't jostle you the way traditional coasters do.

The girls rode several others that Kyle and I sat out, but we all rode a lot of rides.  Tim met up with us after his last inspection for the day arriving around 7:30.  For us having Season Passes means we can enjoy going up for just a few hours if we want, but with the park open until 10:00pm, we like that we can go up around dinner time, and get in a lot of rides.  A lot of day camps, and families who've spent the whole day at Hershey Park, leave around that time, so the park opens up a lot.  The longest line time was about 15 minutes and that was for Fahrenheit!

Now Sarah is our coaster girl!  The wilder the ride the better, spinning, dropping, looping she loves it all!  Tim rode this one with her and these two videos show them on their ride.  They are in the last row!

This is how you start!

This is coming back!

Its hard to take photos of them on roller coasters, but I did get some photos of them on the bumper cars.

Kyle and I waiting for the girls.
My hair was a hot mess!  It was not overly hot, but the humidity was high (it drizzled off and on and started to rain as the park closed).

So there you have it!  We had a lot of fun and look forward to going up again soon!


Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

We went to our favorite amusement park when Steph's family was here. Some of the family loves roller coasters but bumper cars take a close second.

I didn't go on any ride. Some I'm not allowed to go on but even the Merry Go Round wasn't in the plan this year. However, I had lots of fun just being with family!

GranthamLynn said...

Very fun place to visit. We went there waaay back in the day on a family vacation. I love the street lights in town! Thanks for sharing! Come over and visit. I enjoy getting your emails so I can see your new posts!

Cheryl said...

It's been a long time since we've been to Hershey Park (Kati was a toddler!), but it is such a family friendly park...something for everybody, and all the rides close(ish) together.

What a generous and thoughtful gift!! You are all sure to enjoy some great family times this summer!! (And fall weekends too, right?)

I say leave the roller coasters to the young folks. (But I also tended to say that when I was a "young folk" myself.) :)

relevanttealeaf said...

How fun! My hubby and I visited Hershey, PA a few years back, but we didn't go to the park. It's on my list if we ever return.

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