Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, August 29, 2016

A Full Day

Today, we headed home right after church, and all the family arrived too.  We had arranged for a friend who is a professional photographer to come and take family portraits!

That was really fun.

Then later in the afternoon, Lindsay hosted an Airsoft gathering.  This lasted until dark and then they cleaned up.

There was a lot of good food - 

 Lots of dishes

After I had it all cleaned up, the outdoor clean up crew came into eat!

These are wonderful days, of family and friends and fun.  Soon, we'll have new babies here, Emma and Vinnie will be leaving for school, and life will settle into a new routine.

I hope you had a great weekend.  We sure did and now we are looking forward to the arrival (on Thursday) of long time friends who'll be with us at least through the holiday weekend!

What are you up to this week?

ps- I haven't forgotten about my decor photos.  I'll share them on Tuesday!


Rebecca said...

Looks like a full and fun day!
I'm hoping this week sees our remodeling project wrapping up (although yesterday we brainstormed with my dad about one further tweak which I hope will be do-able.....). I'll be VERY happy when all is cleaned up and ready to use!

podso said...

Somebody looks all tuckered! It looks like you had a busy but fun weekend! It's such a good feeling to fill your house with friends and family.

kozimom said...

It's just the best when everyone comes home! I especially enjoy the outdoor games. I love seeing all the ages enjoying each other. Last week, most of our kids and SOs came for burgers and then a riotous game of soccer! My hubby and I cleaned up, while watching the action through the kitchen window. We laughed and enjoyed it all so much!

Thankful for Grace said...

Isn't that just how it goes---as soon as the kitchen is clean, someone wants to eat!

Sounds like a fun Sunday.

Estelle's said...

Oh yes...signs of a lot of preparation to gather the family and must have been a really good time! Love how you always are opening your home and feeding your family good things! Have a lovely week Deanna!

Pam Richardson said...

What a wonderful Sunday, full of fun and family! Wishing you a joy-filled week! Pam @ Everyday Living

Vee said...

A second run on the kitchen! Lots of work with a big and growing family! Lots of love and fun, too. Oh gracious, had not even considered that Em will not be there when the baby is born. Are you planning a trip or is Vinnie's mom? My mother-in-law came when Adam was born. Not the same as having my mom, but what a blessing she was. She would later tell anyone who listened that I let her scrub all my floors! =D

Debby Ray said...

Well, I updated my fireplace over the weekend by repainting it from white- washed brick to solid white. What a room brightener! I may just blog about it, I'm so! I am anticipating my upcoming trip to the beach in a couple of weeks with my sis! Have a great must be getting excited abut those baby girls!!

Information Friday!

  Not a great photo, I took this one sitting in traffic today, but the color is starting to come on strong! Beauty everywhere! I truly wonde...