Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Living Room Rearrangement

 Today was a beautiful day, and we turned the a/c off and opened the doors and windows.  This is the view of our living room from the front door.

 I sit here mostly.  It is a reclining chair and while I don't recline, I do put my feet up. (a nice thing for short people to be able to do!)

 The little wicker balls are actually a battery operated string of lights.

 Looking back toward the front door.

 This bookcase used to be at the end of the hall.  I put a smaller bookcase there, and it holds the kids school books for this year.  This bookcase has Bibles, and other favorite books of mine.

I like this arrangement for space and movement in our living area.  I like being able to make our spaces work for us in every stage of our family life.

I'm joining Laura, Jemma, Stacey, and Laura for Thoughts of Home on Thursday!


Sylvia said...

Very nice and is that "Old Country Roses" teapot I see in the cabinet?

podso said...

I too saw the old country roses teapot! I know understand the lay out! It all looks nice and a perfect place to gather, or to read alone, as in your chair. I do so love your drapes!

Daniela said...

Dearest Deanna,
after this period of 'interlude' which I had to allow myself due to work reasons - the Short Lets I manage here at Tenuta Geremia, the speech about the Empress of Austria I had to prepare and to perform at the conference which was held last Saturday at Madonna di Campiglio, in our Dolomiti, some works of restoration here and the family to join and follow took me far from the pc for more than a month and a half - I'm so glad to be here again, I've been missing you so much !

This post of yours shows such a cozy and welcoming home, your taste is truly delightful, thank you for receiving me today in your so lovely home !

Hope your week is off to a good start I'm sending my dearest love to you

Xx Dany

Estelle's said... have such a lovely, warm and inviting home! I could spend a few hours looking at all your sweet treasures that I am sure, hold a story!

Vee said...

Not showing the before? I like this arrangement, but I am sure I would like any arrangement that you would do. Your mantel makes a beautiful focal point as you enter your home. I like the lights, have not seen any like that!

Lorrie said...

It's always satisfying to rearrange furniture, I find. Your living room looks cozy and welcoming!

Cheryl said...

It looks great, Deanna! I am particularly amazed at how quickly you rearranged wall art and accessories. (Sometimes it takes me months to decide those details...long after I am satisfied with furniture placement!)

I love that you have so many places to sit. And I love your cozy corner!

Summer said...

Your living room is looking great! Hope you are having a lovely day ♥

Rebecca said...

Oh, thank you! Seeing "real" interiors is one of my favorite things to do :) Yours is so well arranged and welcoming ♥

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

So inviting, cozy, pretty and oh these wonderful treasures to behold.
So great to have you with us at TOHOT!

Laura said...

Room rearranging is always like opening a secret door, right?
Where will it lead?
Thank you for sharing this at Thoughts of Home!

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