Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Hospitality: Tea with Friends

This morning we had such lovely time with our friends Amy and Annie and all their girls!  Amy is actually the mama of Annie too, and now Annie is mama to two little girls.  Amy also has a 12 year old and a 6 year old.  Her family is so similar to ours and so our girls were all very happy. Lindsay used to give riding lessons to Amy's 12 year old and they are starting again soon!

All the little girls, including Kamryn,  used sweet little tea cups and had so much fun putting honey and milk into their tea!  They mostly played together and we enjoyed good conversation and good food.

Then we sat out under the trees and watched the kids play.  Lindsay and Sarah were here and helped me so much.  Rachel helped until she needed to go make candles with our friend Becky of Good Neighbors Candle Company.

Its so important to me to make time for friends, to bless and encourage them.

 This chocolate fudge cake is on plan for me and so is the salted caramel whipped cream frosting! Yum!

 Homemade lemon curd - so good!

I hope you have a lovely day!


podso said...

Pretty tea time and I like your teapots.

Thankful for Grace said...

Homemade lemon curd...yes, please!! SO yummy atop a fresh, hot scone.

I spy an Old Country Roses teapot. I so love that pattern! It was my paternal grandmother's favorite.

I also spy those beautiful sunflower napkins. You found a chance to use them.

Your tea day with your friends sounds lovely. I agree, it is so important to take time to bless and encourage our friends.


Lorrie said...

Oh, yummy cakes and tea! How lovely to spend time with friends. It is important to maintain relationships and encourage each other.

Linda said...

WHAT a sweet tea party!!!! I absolutely LOVE the sunflower napkins!!! I have been looking for some but haven't found any. Those desserts looked heavenly!! said...

How nice. And you got your Living Room changed around just in time for friends!

Lisa said...

Deanna you have such a sweet heart for hospitality! I love how you so generously open your heart and home to others.:-)

Theresa said...

Looks like a yummy time:) Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Cheryl said...

Oh, your tea table looks so inviting!! I am sure that you lovely ladies had a wonderful time together!

Heather LeFebvre said...

Oh your tea party looks lovely!!!! Thanks for visiting my new reading blog! Now I need to read the book you have! :)

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