Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, October 27, 2017

A Bit Of Autumn Beauty

The leaves are changing late here this year.

Apparently, the peak change is this week up until November 1st.  We still have a lot of green around, and my Red Sunset Maples (which are very red this year, rather than the orangey-red they normally are) are finally turning!

This back area of our property always looks beautiful...

Here is a close up of the late afternoon sun on the trees. I think it is actually prettier earlier in the day.

This maple along the creek is finally turning, but look at the Burning Bush next to it and its still so green!

The hens enjoy this area in the afternoon.  They love jumping up for the berries on the Burning Bush.  That is a funny sight to see.

What is autumn like where you are?

ps- If you'd pray for my cousin Rob, I'd greatly appreciate it.  They are getting hospice set up so that he can get the palliative care he needs.  Please pray for the family, too.  Its really hard to see him this way.  Thank you sweet friends.


Cheryl said...

Our autumn has been a bit sluggish this year too. There is more color every day, but lots of green remains yet.

Saying a prayer right now for your cousin and his family . . .

Lorrie said...

Afternoon light on autumn leaves is the prettiest thing. You have a beautiful back yard.
I'm sorry to hear about your cousin. Praying for comfort and peace and for the care he needs.

Mrs. Chrissy T said...

We haven't had much foliage here at all. We normally don't get a whole lot of autumn colors here. Sad. I miss the beauty of the Midwest in the fall.

Sylvia said...

Praying for your cousin Rob. Thanks for showing us your pretty fall trees

podso said...

So sorry about your cousin. I will pray. Aren't you glad you painted that little shed barn red? It looks so great against the fall leaves. Pretty yard!

Vee said...

You have lots of color already with plenty more coming. The burning bushes
are so gorgeous when they turn scarlet.

Yes, praying for your precious family.

Rebecca said...

Your views are stunning! Rain has brought down much of our "color" and potential color....I've prayed for your cousin and all you who love and care for him.

Sue said...

My favorite season.

Botanic Bleu said...

We had our first freeze of the year, almost a month early from the average freeze date. The weather has warmed back up, but that little freeze brought about some color changes in our leaves.


Information Friday!

  Not a great photo, I took this one sitting in traffic today, but the color is starting to come on strong! Beauty everywhere! I truly wonde...