Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Friendship: Blog Friends

Cheryl and I became friends online when I read a series she was doing in October writing '31 Days' posts about hospitality.  I found myself commenting, "Amen" and "I agree" on every post.  We started to email chat and found ourselves to be kindreds.  How many years ago was that, Cheryl?

Since then we have spent time in each others' homes, sharing meals and family, and our hearts.  We still email and when we can we make the three hour trip (one way) to visit in person.

We had not been able to make it work for two years!  There were illnesses, and a move to a new house, and the start of a business, and family needs.  You know the stuff of real life.

Several weeks ago, Cheryl mentioned they'd be coming up our way for an overnight stay and could we meet for dinner?  "Yes!" was my quick reply.  I love Cheryl's sweet family, and it was fun to catch up with all their news.

Blogging has changed over the years, but the one thing it has done is bring many wonderful friendships my way.  Some are older friends,  not blogging much but we still keep in touch, and some are new friends!  

I hope you find Creekside Cottage a friendly place, full of encouragement and hospitality!

 I'm thankful for you all.


Cheryl said...

Oh, this is such a precious post, friend!! I am certainly thankful for you! You're right about those online friendships, of course. We may not be able to see one another often, but the relationships are real and the connections are true. Who knew that blogging would be such a treasure trove?!

By the way, it was five years ago when we first met in person and we were the recipients of your warm and generous hospitality! (I wrote about it here: Amazing to see how we've all changed!)

Cheryl said...

P.S. I am working on a post about our little getaway, but it is vacation week and you know how that goes. Soon . . .

Elizabethd said...

It is always a treat to meet friends from blogging, and sometimes , for me, they are from very far away. Friendships like this are precious.

Sylvia said...

Blogging a good way of finding kindred spirits that we wouldn't have the opportunity to otherwise. I have always found your blog post encouraging and hope I do the same for others.
Have a wonderful day.

Sandi said...

It kind of looks like she is wearing a big flowery hat! :) Love it.

Sue said...

Yes, I indeed find Creekside Cottage a friendly place and always encouraging with great hospitality! Though I haven't had the joy of meeting ladies in person here in blogland, I have had the joy of getting to know them via their blog posts, and I am so thankful they have allowed me to be a part of their lives, you and Cheryl are two of those ladies. With so many tragedies going on and so much division in our country, both you ladies bring a fresh respite. I am pleased to call you both friends. Have a blessed day.

Theresa said...

These friendships are precious to me too! Have a beautiful day my friend, HUGS!

Debby Ray said...

I am still amazed when I think about the relationships that have been formed through blogging. I would have never believed it if I hadn't experienced myself. How fun it was that you two were able to meet up again...Cheryl is a sweetie.

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Now that is one time I would have loved to have been at your house! Blogging has changed. I'm thankful for the friends I made when it was a closer community.

Kim said...

Friendships are the best part of blogging, no doubt!

Lorrie said...

Meeting blogging friends is a real treat. How wonderful that you live "not-too-far-apart."

podso said...

It's nice to see you two together!

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