Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Klaire Is One!

One year ago, less than 24 hours after Isla was born, Kamryn became a big sister!

Klaire was tiny when she was born, just 5lbs 12.4 oz and 18 inches long!

 I love how alert she is in this photo.

And I love this one of Grammy holding her!

She's cruising the furniture and walking well holding on to one hand!  She'll be walking on her own in no time!  She loves her family, and no one can make her laugh like her sissy!

We love you Klaire, and are thankful that you're our granddaughter!


Rebecca said...

I sure enjoyed the variety of "poses" you posted! Happy Birthday, Klaire ♥

Mrs. Chrissy T said...

Super cute with flair.

Estelle's said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY KLAIRE...she is happy and adorable!

Cheryl said...

Baby Klaire is adorable, as is her big sister! And isn't it amazing how much growth takes place in one short year?!

Happy 1st birthday to Klaire!!

Sue said...

Birthday Wishes to Klaire, your grandchildren are so adorable!

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