Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Family Hike

Well, Tim and the kids anyway. (I can't do this kind of hiking with my bad lower back.) They took advantage of Rachel and Tim getting home early today, to get out into nature.  The sun is setting early these days so they left mid afternoon.  After their hike they picked up pizza for dinner, and when they got home, it was already dark.

They went to McCall's Ferry Park.

Here is an interesting post about McCall's Ferry and the painting of it that hangs in the White House.

As for me, I ran errands today, talked with a friend, worked on plans for my trip, did computer work, had a late morning deck date with my husband.  We are enjoying the autumn weather that has finally arrived!  I did the mowing of our property.  While they were gone I did some correspondence through email, and read.

I took this photo Friday while sitting in my van after I ate my lunch.  I'm enjoying my first ever jean jacket.  I wore it with this black and cream Old Navy graphic print knit dress, some leggings and my black boots.


Cheryl said...

Hike or no, you get a lot done in a day's time!!

Great outfit!

podso said...

Looks like a great hike and that you enjoyed some alone time getting things done! I love my jean jacket--its so versatile. Wear it to church or wear it to the kids' soccer game.

Vee said...

That looks like a serious hike!

Vee said...

Oh. You look very cute in your jean jacket!

Mrs.T said...

That type of hike would never be my choice, though I've done some with bits like that in the past. You used your time very productively and that is a very cute photo of you.

And yes indeed, it is getting darker so early these days!

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

The hike/scenery looks wonderful. You accomplished a lot while they were gone. I love my jean jackets! Yes, that's plural. I have a denim one, a powder pink one, and a navy one. I find them so comfy that I have been wearing jean jackets for years. A jean jacket over a dress and boots is very much in vogue these days too. And I think you look great in it!


Mrs. Chrissy T said...

My family loves hiking!!! I enjoy it myself. Love your jean jacket.

Rebecca said...

What a great "selfie" AND jacket!
Sounds like you made great use of your time. Nothing like a productive day, is there?!?

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