Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Home Again

We hit the road Friday morning and had a good trip to Michigan.

We did have a bit of a slow down in the early afternoon on the Ohio Turnpike.  There was a fatal accident between two semis.  Such a sad thing.

Saturday we went over to my great aunt and uncles' home.  Aunt Nancy is my grandmother's youngest sister.  My grandmother was the oldest of nine children, and Nancy is the youngest.  She and my mom are only three years apart in age.  More like sisters, than aunt and niece.
 My aunts kids are in my brother's and mine age range but they are my mom's first cousins.  Got all that?  Anyway, we went to Michigan because my uncle has had some health problems and because their son, Rob is dying of cancer.  I won't give a lot of details here, but we did get to see him.  He is an amazing person.  Thinking of everyone else at this time, especially his kids (all adults) and his parents. My sweet aunt and uncle and the family are struggling, walking through this with him.  We went to be with them, and help distract and encourage while we could.  Rob is a believer, and is secure knowing he will be with the Lord.

I know so many of you are believers as well, and I would appreciate you praying for them all.  Some of them are believers and some are not.  We know that God can use this in all our lives to bring us closer to himself, and we'd like prayer for Rob's pain and for wisdom for him in making decisions.  

Thank you so much.

One thing my aunt wanted to do was to play rummy to have something to distract her, so mom, Nancy and I played hours of rummy.  They are good, and beat me most of the time, but I did win one game Monday night!

I also introduced my Aunt to Snapchat!

Monday while my aunt and uncle had appointments, my parents and I meet up with my blog friends!  Hurray!

 Here are Karen, Kathy, and me in a fun kitchen store in Milford.  Such a cute town!

We had lunch in town and talked for hours!

It was so special to have this time with them!  Kindred Spirits are everywhere, but as we said at lunch, sometimes Kindred Spirits don't live nearby!  I love that I have the privilege of knowing so many great women friends all over the country!  Such an encouragement to me!

We got home Tuesday early evening.  I drove the whole way there and back and was very pleased with myself.  Tim usually does the driving and I am the co-pilot! lol!

We saw such beautiful fall colors on our trip and I am excited to see what our trees look like in the morning!


Sylvia said...

Glad you had a safe trip, and got to meet up with your blogger friends.
The trees are just beginning to turn here, but I'm afraid they aren't going to be as good as up north.

Vee said...

So much to comment on...yes, praying for your precious extended family. I would say that your mission was accomplished for this trip, That Snapchat vid cracks me up...”Are we talking?”

Loved that you did get to meet with Kathy and Karen and found yourselves to be likeminded. Read a fascinating article on that the other day...

Well done on the driving... Hope that you see plenty of autumn’s beauty this morning. Even I am in the rain up here. Oops...I know you think weather discussions are boring. 😉

Sherry said...

such a full visit and precious to those experiencing struggle. and lovely times as well, including meeting up with more bloggy friends. i'm SO thankful to have met you and yours this summer. joy!!!

Mrs. Chrissy T said...

How fun!!!!

Mama to 12, so far said...

How fun. I will be praying. My two youngest and their neices and nephews are more like brother and sisters like your mama and her aunt. So sweet.

podso said...

You fit a lot in on your little trip. It must have been nice to be with just your parents for a time--and good for you to do all the driving!

Sue said...

Welcome back home, Deanna, visits like this are always so welcomed, I will add your uncle and Rob to my prayer list!
So happy you met with blogging friends too, I have met so many wonderful ladies here in blogland, but never met in person, this must so special.
I can relate to your mom and her niece, my mother's sister and I were only three years apart, we had lots off fun in the summer double dating.
Have a blessed evening.

Cheryl said...

Welcome home! It is good that you were able to spend time with your family, especially during such a sad time in their lives. I know that you sowed love and encouragement and I am sure that they are grateful.

Lovely to meet with kindred spirits! (Ask me how I know!) :)

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...