Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Getting Back To The Heart Of Blogging

I've been blogging for 11 years now.  That's a lot of posts and a lot of talking, and most days I still feel as if I have something I want to share. We love hospitality, and I love to encourage and be a friend so blogging, for me, is a no brainer.  

Blogging has changed over the years.  When I got started there were 'awards' we could give to each other, days to share what we were wearing, 'parties' to join at other blogs!  One of my favorite parties was Vee's Notecard party.  We picked four photos to share that we thought would make nice Notecards, liked up at her blog, and visited each other to see ,their photos and leave comments.  This was a favorite because it was through this 'party' that I met Lorrie, Judith, BJ, Michele, Dotsie. It was fun!  

All of these things helped us to build community with each other.  We weren't faceless online creepers, we were friends who had similar lives, or completely different ones, but shared things in common.  Judith is an amazing gardener, Tracy makes amazing quilts, Sherry is a great cook, Cheryl is the best hostess ever, Vee a great friend to people. I learned so much from each one.

I loved finding other homeschool moms through blogging, and sisters of the heart, and kindred spirits.  Sherry, Tracy, Cheryl, Vee, have shared life with me and I with them - good times, loss, pain, suffering, joy, Jesus.  We are still kindreds and always will be and not one of them live close to me but I have met and hugged each one of these dear friends!  Heather and I keep in touch through Instagram now and share much in common, but we've had lunch together with Karen Andreola who is also a dear friend.  I also met Linda through Vee's blog and she is dear to me too!  We are hoping to met up when Sarah and I go to Texas in August!

This is the joy of blogging for me that I never want to lose.  As the years have gone by, my life has changed - I no longer have six kids in the home, only three and one of those is preparing to go off to school in the fall.  I am now a grandmother to four darlings.  I have grey hairs, and a bad back.  However, I'm still homeschooling, I still love to encourage, be a friend, host gatherings at my cottage, help others, plan events, host tea parties.

I'm going to get back to basics around here, and I've already started to do that.  You'll be seeing photos from the garden, projects I'm working on, kids and grandkids, and you'll be reading my thoughts about many things.  It may not look much different from my usual posts, but in my heart there is a renewed sense of focus and joy in this thing called blogging!


I accidentally left my twin, Brenda, off my list!  For women who've never met in person, we are so alike that Brenda's daughter Stephanie thinks we might be the same person!  She says, "I've never seen you together, so how do we know?"  lol!

Total brain burp, Brenda!  Many, many apologies!


Kim said...

Wow, eleven years is a long time. I've seen tremendous changes in the 5 years I've been doing this, I can't imagine how different the landscape must appear to you now.

Karen said...

I'm looking forward to getting back to reading blogs. I somehow drifted away from reading blogs over the past year but I'm going to try to add it back to my weeks, if not every day. I miss hearing what my friends have going on (and since I don't do FB, I'm totally out of touch). And I'm so thankful to count you as a "real" friend, not just an online one.

I'm glad you're feeling excited about blogging again! I'll try to stay caught up! ;-)

And Congratulations! FOUR grand babies! (Julianne did show me pictures of Clark on FB-so darling!)

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

What? Are we not kindred spirits? ;)

Chy said...

I love your blog and your posts. You have such a heart and it's lovely to know that 11 years in, you're still finding this blogging a joy! Sincerely, Chy

Linda said...

I always look forward to your posts!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Yes, there have been a lot. With the death of a dear blog friend, I was thinking alot about those early days. They were special.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

You are so missed here! I could of course gone on and on about friends like you and Kathy too!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Can you see my embarrassed face? Oh my! I am so sorry! I did edit my post!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Thank you so very much for these words. This is what I want blogging to be!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I am so glad we've met and become friends!!!!

Rhonda said...

I so enjoy your blog!

Lorrie said...

I'm so pleased to have met you via blogging. Vee's Note Card Party was a favourite of mine, too. Like you, I've been blogging for 11 years and sometimes wonder if I should quit. But I so enjoy the relationships I've built with other bloggers, some of whom you've mentioned, that I keep on. Sometimes, I think I don't have much to say anymore, and at other times I'm overflowing with words. No-stress blogging is what I'm about, and sharing bits and pieces of my life with others like you. Glad you're keeping on!

Debby Ray said...

I agree and have also noticed the change in blogging. Vee's note card party is how I "met" her as well and just LOVED that link-up. And I just now am reminded that I forgot to blog a special post...this past Monday was my 5th Bloggiversary! I hope to be able to hold steady with my blog as well, as long as anyone finds anything I have to say worth reading. I just wish blogger would fix these frustrating issues!

Thankful for Grace said...

Deanna, I began blogging in 2006, originally at a site called Homestead Blogger. I soon moved to Blogger and have had several different blogs over here. As the seasons of my life changed, my blog focus changed. At first I was a homeschooling mom, on the road to adoption. But our adoption fell through and my kids finished high school. Then I tried a decorating blog, but I'm not a great photographer, so that didn't work.

I did a classic film blog for 3 years and joined the Classic Movie Blog Association. Eventually, I started Embracing Home/Joy in the Middle, as I wanted to write about home and hospitality and life in my empty nest world. But by then, the blog world had changed. The emphasis was on "growing your blog," "finding your brand," and being a professional blogger. No matter how many link parties I visited, the vast majority of bloggers would never even return a visit. So, I got discouraged and stepped away.

But you know what, I finally realized that my kind of blogging is OKAY. I don't want to be on all kinds of social media, trying to increase readership. I blog because I enjoy writing, and I enjoy connecting---really connecting---with my readers. I would rather have a few readers I know well than hundreds I don't know at all.

So, with a desire to return to the heart of blogging, I started up Celebrating Our Days. And it is okay if I'm not all over Pinterest.

I am with you, my dear!!


Louca por porcelana said...

Hi! Your post is so sweet...Congrats!Hugs!

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

You are forgiven. ❤️

podso said...

Twelve years for me, and like Lorrie, I always find something more to say. Back in 2006 I had less photos and wrote more and with more passion. I had just lost my father and had a lot to get off my chest I guess. I think Vee's card party was about my most favorite party, as I love photography so much and enjoyed all who took part. Well we'll stay tuned to see how blogging goes into the future. Meanwhile I always enjoy your posts and glad you are renewed in your zeal for your blog! Pretty plant!

Vee said...

My heart is so full learning that you met so many lovely bloggers via The Note Card Party. I had no idea! And you’re going to meet Linda?! Wow! How cool is that?!

Your forgetting Brenda made me chuckle because she is definitely not chopped liver! It cracks me up what Stephanie says about you two.

Sherry said...

love the intent of *getting back to the heart of blogging.* yes indeedy!
texas in august, huh? you ARE a brave soul. wink.

Theresa said...

I haven't been blogging as long as you, 9 years for me, but I sure enjoy it. It is one of my favorite things to do and while it has changed, I still love it. Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

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