Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

I'm Back

Clark is already a week old.  How crazy is that?

He's a sweetheart.  Does what most babies do, eat, sleep, poop.  But Sunday he was starting to stay awake longer and that was fun.  I got in all the holding I could.

We got them all packed up, cleaned the apartment, and moved them to Tennessee.  They are staying with Vinnie's family for a week until their apartment is available.  Vinnie's family are warm and welcoming and we like them so much.  It does our hearts good to see how much they love Emma.  They graciously fed us lunch on Sunday, and we spent several hours at their home.

We stayed in a sweet Airbnb Saturday night, and enjoyed sleeping in and listening to a nice thunderstorm move through.  Then the power went out.  Sigh...  The power outage was due to a downed pole that didn't seem to have anything to do with the rain.  We headed over to the inlaws house for lunch, hoping the power would be back on soon.  By the time we left to go back to the Airbnb, the rain had started up again (so no swimming at the lake) and the power was still out.  After talking with the Sarah and Kyle, we decided to just pack up and head home.  We went back by to say good bye to Emma and family, and then hit the road.

As it was about 6:00pm when we left we went about an hour and a half and then decided to book a room online.  The hotel had a great pool (which Kyle and Tim enjoyed) and really comfy beds.  After driving all day Monday, we got home, unpacked, and got Tim ready for his work day for today.

We are thankful to be able to go down and help Emma and Vinnie get moved, and to spend a bit of time with them, and the grandbabies.  Its always hard to leave them, but we do keep in touch through Marco Polo and through FaceTime.  I'm sure I'm not the only one who doesn't live near all their grandchildren.

This week, I am keeping Kamryn and Klaire two days, and I have birthday shopping for Kamryn to do (she's nearly 8 already!), and Father's Day shopping, too.  If we get a break in rain, mowing needs to happen. as well.

It's good to be home, though part of our hearts are still in Tennessee.


Anonymous said...

Cute little kids! Getting ready a house is a very big task:)

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Oh my, what a week of joy. How ever did you tear yourself away?

Linda said...

Facetime and Marco Polo! That's how I stay in touch with Summer and Rayne in Puerto Rico!
Your time and your photos are so very precious! What a sweet time for all.....

Estelle's said...

What a beautiful, beautiful baby....sounds like a long adventerous trip but well worth it! Congratulations to you and your family on this precious newborn!

Sherry said...

sooo precious, that little man. & his name. tugs at my heart.
beautiful family .. excited for what the future holds. hugs.

Thankful for Grace said...

Congratulations on the new grandchild! Yes, today's technology helps us stay close to our loved ones even when we are far away. I am so thankful for it.

Blessings to you,

Rhonda said...

I'm so glad you got to spend some time with the grandbabies. They are just precious!

kozimom said...

Sweet babies! Glad you were able to see them, and how amazing for your daughter to have you come and help so much!!
My 2 grandchildren live on the Big Island in Hawaii. We are on the West Coast of Canada, so I know what it's like to not have grands nearby. We keep in touch through facebook, but I've never heard of Marco Polo! I will have to look into that!

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Deanna, grandchildren are such a blessing and one's heart simply overflows with love for them! Three of mine are here on the Island but two of them live out on the west coast, including my only granddaughter. She's the only girl in the family so I long to have them closer. It sounds like you've had a busy time and getting back home always feels good but those pesky chores are always waiting for us. Glad you had a wonderful visit! Blessings.

Rebecca said...

Glad you got to spend the time with your sweet children and grands. Sounds like you had a very busy time away and a bit of adventure, too!

Sandi said...

Aww! Sweetie pies.

Kim said...

Just precious! It's wonderful that you were able to spend so much time with them all. I bet it was tough to say goodbye.

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I'm always amazed at how Stephanie's kids are growing since I only see them once a year. I probably won't see them this year at all since they leave (today?) for 3 1/2 weeks in Europe. C & M only live about 1 1/2 hours away but they have such a busy schedule that we no longer see them very often. Thank God for technology. Although Stephanie and I both refuse to do FaceTime, not until they invent Jane Jetson masks.

Vee said...

Darling baby with a real cute big sister. ☺ I know that your daughter and son-in-law appreciated all the help. What would we do without our parents when we need them?

Cheryl said...

What a (long-ish) weekend you had! Full of travel and sweet baby-holding and moving(!!) and visiting and even a bit of adventure! (No power is definitely an adventure!) I'm sure your heart is full!

podso said...

What a sweet new baby! Your heart must be overflowing. I was talking to a friend recently about face-timing with her grand baby and how fun it is that the baby recognizes grandma and gets all excited to "talk." What a blessing technology can be!

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