Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Family Weekend

Rachel surprised us Friday night by banging on our deck door!  We had no idea she was coming!  I told her, "You didn't give me the opportunity to worry about you driving all that way!"  I don't really worry, but I do think about them and pray when they are journeying.

My niece Kaitlin also arrived at my parents house Friday evening to spend the weekend with her mom, who is visiting. (see previous posts)

On Saturday we went to Aimee Weaver's Fall Market at her small farm.  It was raining so they moved everything inside.  Aimee goes to my parents (we used to go there) church, and is a lovely person.  She has grown her business, and I love that she uses her creativity to bless other people.

A popular thing at her market was the chance to paint your own sign.  Here my sister in law is painting the sign she free hand designed.

This one is mine and I traced and filled in!  I loved it though, and its got my creative juices flowing!

Church on Sunday filled my encouragement tank.  It was so good, and a lovely thing happened on the way into the building.  A sweet gal, stopped me and asked if I was Deanna.  I said, "yes" and she went on to tell me that she read my blog all the time and loved it!  Thanks, Michelle!  It really filled my heart to hear your kind words!

These two slides from the power point during the message were really good, so I thought I'd share them here.

We also talked to a couple who we hadn't seen for many years, and seeing our kids, and Joseph and his brother Daniel all engaged in conversation with people was a real blessing and encouragement to me!

Then we all went to lunch with my parents, Paula (sil), and Kaitlin, my niece.  
Kaitlin took this photo of her and my dad while they were waiting for us!

We came home to some book discussion of a book Tim is reading.  Daniel, Joseph, Wes, Rachel, and Tim and I were involved.  I love listening to these young men, especially, discussing the church in general and specifics about being a part of a church fellowship.

My parents arrived later (after Kaitlin had headed home) and my sister in law taught me to play Farkle.  My parents, Paula and I played.  It was fun.  Rachel and Wes left to meet up with friends, Sarah was at Lindsay and Joseph's house. (Sarah and Lindsay had spent the day with friends at the Renaissance fair.)

Yesterday, I hugged Rachel goodbye, took Sarah to work, and headed to BWI airport to pick up my niece Carrie.  (Kyle went off to work on a job with Tim.)

There is a benefit to an early airport run.  I saw the most amazing sunrise!  I couldn't quite capture it, though.

This morning, I did the kid to work run, and came home to this beauty in my backyard.

My red sunset maples in the front yard are really changing now, and while not super vibrant this year, they are still full of beauty.  Look at that blue October sky, also!

I've taught myself to look for beauty and to see it in the every day.  Its all around us - a plowed farm field, sunlight streaming through trees, hand prints on windows, little kitty paws.

I hope you have a great day!  We're off to eat a soft pretzel and poke around some stores with my mom and Paula.  Tomorrow, I have another airport run, then I'll be focused on our Fall Fest which we are hosting on Sunday.  More on that to come!

8 comments: said...

Surprises are so wonderful! What fun your family has. I'll have to look into that game called Farkle.

Unknown said...

There is nothing better than a surprise visit from a child!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

It all added up to such a wonderful weekend. Thanks for letting us have a part in it with all your photos and little stories. Loved the sign-making event. Cool!

Wishing you a wonderful week...

Linda said...

Such beautiful photos of the fall and what wonderful memories you made this weekend! I used to play Farkle on the computer!

Kim said...

Those signs are amazing...I love the ones with the hinges on them! Fun!

Cheryl said...

Oh, what a wonderful weekend filled with so many good things!! I rejoice with you!!

Vee said...

How fun that Rachel came home for the weekend! Really fun surprise. Lots of company and you’ve been doing lots of fun, playing games, eating out, kind of fun. Happy party planning. ๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ”ฅ☕️๐Ÿ

Theresa said...

What a wonderful surprise, a knock on the door! I look everywhere for beauty too:) I LOVE sunrise and sunsets, my favorites! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

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