Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Saturday Six

I missed Friday Five, so I decided to do a Saturday Six this week!

1. I love anything by Dee Henderson, so when I was at Barnes and Noble to use a birthday gift card and saw this, I knew it would be coming home with me.

2. A friend saw my knit hats for Isla and Clark, and asked if I would make some for her two granddaughters.  We settled on a price, and my hands are happily knitting away.

3. During the fall and winter seasons our floor rugs/mats by the doors take a beating.  I found these mats yesterday, and bought three - one by the deck entrance, one at the front door, and one at the kitchen door.  I think they'll hold up to the rain, mud, and snow that is a part of our lives here in the fall and winter. (especially muddy this year with all the rain.)

4. I baked Cappuccino Muffins this week.  My people (and others) love them!

5. Kyle is our main laundry folder these days.  He doesn't mind it because he can watch something while he folds.  He likes to watch on the computer, so I find piles of clean folded laundry on the floor like this all the time!

6. We had torrential rains on Thursday, so I had the deck umbrella open to dry out.  This was great until the winds picked up in the night.  I found this yesterday.

Not fun.  The pole is bent.  There is no way to salvage this. 

So that was my week.  Some good, some annoying.  I won't say bad, because really, compared to what others are going through; a friends' husband has cancer and its not looking good, the hurricane aftermath, the rancor from leaders in our country, my 'difficulties' are nothing.

A bonus photo this week - 

Related image

Did any of you watch Princess Eugenie's wedding?  I thought it was a lovely family wedding.  Since she's not a working royal, they were able to just invite family and friends to attend.  The children of her cousins (Prince George, Princess Charlotte, Savannah and Isla Phillips, Maud Windsor) and few of her friends children, were sweet and I liked what they wore.

What did you think?


Elizabethd said...

There has been a lot of controversy here about the £2 million cost of security, which we taxoayers are funding. But a very pretty wedding all the same. As usual the Queen looked lovely.

Vee said...

First I’m seeing of the dress right here and I like it. So much better than another from a “big” wedding here in my corner. Gah! If I were the bride’s mother, I’d have been mortified.

Oh dear! Guess someone will be getting a new umbrella for next year. Perhaps you know someone with a spare...I have a spare myself.

Chuckling at the step is the putting away and I’m sure that Kyle can handle that. Sam is folding clothes for his mom these days and last night when I was visiting, I readjusted the cushion on my chair and found the socks. 😏

It’s raining here again and I had outdoor plans. Oh well. Must be that I am to follow indoor pursuits. Happy weekend to you!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I liked her dress but I didn't like the way it looked to big in the shoulders and in the sleeves.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I know what wedding you're referring too, and I agree. Lots I could say but won't here. Yes, Kyle does mostly put things away, or at least he's supposed too! We had rain this morning and it has stopped but it looks like it could rain again, though its not supposed too!

Cheryl said...

Glad you popped in with your Saturday Six! Fun!

The hats are such a soft, sweet pink. I'm sure your friend will love seeing her grandbabies wearing them! Love the laundry piles! Hey, as long as the work gets done, right? Your umbrella . . . yikes! On the bright side, it is the end of the season. Maybe you'll find a bargain before next summer!

Hope your weekend weather is as lovely as ours!

Rebecca said...

My difficulties are nothing, too. We've had a weekend of a fine combination of normal and unexpected. Navigating by His grace; aware of His goodness...

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