Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

HaPpY bIrThDaY!

Its my birthday.

I'm thankful to be 55 years old. I embrace my grey hairs, my laugh lines, and saggy skin.  If I was younger, I couldn't be the mother to my amazing children, or a grandmother to their children.  

I love being me.

I have had a sweet life, overall.  The Lord has been gracious to me,  I am blessed with a loving family, I have dear friends, my health is good, other than a challenging lower back.

I've learned many things in my 55 years of life, and I'm thankful for the wisdom gained.

Here's to another 50 at least! (grin)

Unfiltered photo - freckles and grey hairs and laugh lines. I embrace them all!


Debby Ray said...

Why, you're just a mere child! Happy Birthday...and many more!

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Happy Birthday Deanna! You do have much to celebrate, as do I! Have a wonderful and blessed day!

Vee said...

Happy Birthday🎈 From my perspective, you are just a kid. You look fabulous and your attitude about aging is refreshing and Hope that you have some wonderful plans for your day.

Lorrie said...

Happy Birthday, Deanna! There is much to celebrate in life at any age. Enjoy your birthday.

Jan said...

Happy Birthday! Hope it's a wonderful day!

Linda said...

Happy Birthday! I loved being 55! That started what has been the happiest years of my life! It touched my heart when you said that you’ve had a sweet life overall. What a blessing that must be. I think you are pretty amazing!

Mrs.T said...

Happy birthday, Deanna! Yes, as Debbie said, a mere child! I have a good many years on you. You do look wonderful and I love your perspective of having been blessed with a sweet life overall. God is so good.

Podso said...

Birthdays are a good time to take stock of our lives and be thankful for what God has done! Here's to many more birthdays!

Dawn E. Brown said...

What a wonderful way to be at 55.Content with all that you have been blessed with.You are beautiful Deanna,your face speaks peace and warmth.Bless you, Dawn E. Brown and Happy Birthday.

Cheryl said...

bIrThDaY {{hugs}} on your special day!! May it be joy-filled!!

Carole said...

Happy birthday! You have a great attitude. cheers from Carole's chatter

Louca por porcelana said...

Happy Birthday!You are beautiful!Hugs!

Theresa said...

Happy Birthday to you. I hope it was a glorious day. Hugs

Estelle's said...

Hi Deamma...wishing a very happy and fun-filled's you special day...CELEBRATE!!!

Kim said...

Happy Birthday!! I love your post and all the sentiments you expressed. I hope you are still celebrating!!

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