Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, October 19, 2018

Friday Five

Sarah is headed to the Adirondacks today to visit Rachel for the weekend, and they're both happy about this!  She'll get to stay in her dorm room, too, so that'll be fun as well.

1. Late afternoon in the living room.  It still looks bright outside but evening was coming on.  

2. Tim surprised me with these flowers this week.  Its a lovely autumn bouquet!

3. A few weeks ago I brought this ivy inside from being on the table in my cottage garden.  It has grown in this spot, it must have been too rainy in the garden!

4. We had a heavy frost advisory overnight so my aloe, my ficus and the begonia/coleus planting that Nate and Kay gave me for Mother's Day were brought inside.

5. I bought this at the store this week!  I couldn't resist!

I feel as if autumn is hurtling toward Thanksgiving at breakneck speed!  As if I'll blink and find the holiday is here.  This year my girls (except for Rachel) and Emma's babies are headed, with me, to Texas for a visit with dear, dear friends.  We're going the week after Thanksgiving! We can't wait!  Its going to be awesome.

This also means that it will be the Christmas season when I get back!  So I need to be thinking ahead for decor, gifts, etc.  Also I host our co-op Moms for a Christmas party, and I plan to host a tea in my home for friends.  Lots to think about and plan for, so no judgments about the magazine!  Lol!

Have a wonderful weekend!


Anonymous said...

It's a fun season for all the planning, which I know you are good at. Happy times to anticipate. I wonder if you will still be cooking Thanksgiving dinner at home before you leave. Dotsie

Vee said...

This might be the year that Thanksgiving is decorated for Christmas. My mother did that one year and it was a hit. (It had also snowed for a few days and through Thanksgiving so it felt just right.

Snooping at Linda’s, I saw that you are planning a meet with her. So exciting. I will try not to wish any time away.

I know that Sarah and Rachel , Wes too, will have a great weekend. Autumn will be waning, but there should still be lots to see.

Linda said...

I know what you mean about coming back home and it’s Christmas season! I’m planning to decorate really early this year and I’m also planning on doing something radical.....I’m only going to use half of my Christmas debris! First time ever and I hope I really do it! Looking forward to our paths crossing next month!

Mrs.T said...

A fun read today! Your plants are gorgeous!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

A lovely bouquet from your sweetheart -- a most thoughtful fellow. Enjoy your time here and there. And planning for the upcoming holidays. That's more than half the fun, in my books. The anticipation of it all.

Wishing you a beautiful weekend...
Brenda xox

Kim said...

I agree, the season is just flying by...enjoy the weekend and those lovely flowers!

Cheryl said...

I am sure that your girls and Wes will thoroughly enjoy their weekend! Autumn is a wonderful time for a road trip! Love your autumn bouquet . . . even more that it is a surprise from Tim!!

Oh, I am feeling that same way . . . that Thanksgiving is nearly here already when it feels like fall just began. (It kind of DID just begin weather-wise!) Trying to enjoy the days one by one . . .

Theresa said...

What a fun time to spend in the dorm:) I know they are both looking forward to it! Thanksgiving is just around the corner:) Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I think our Fall color is going to arrive late and be very muted due to the heat and rain. All my deck plants died early from the rain. Too much of a good thing.

Estelle's said...

I love this magazine....I couldn't resist it either!!!

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