Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, October 5, 2018

Friday Five

I haven't done Five for a few weeks, so here we go!

1.  This chunka munka!  What a darling boy!  He's four months old already!

2.  Rachel's room in the morning light.  The first morning after she was away, I came out into the hallway and saw all this beautiful morning light.  My first thought was "Rachel's up already," then I remembered that she was at school.  I like walking past and seeing her pretty room.  Can't wait until she's in it again!

3. Gather Here With Grateful Hearts - 

I found this platter at Christmas Tree Shops yesterday for under $10.  It'll hang on my plate wall until after Thanksgiving.  I like it a lot.

4.  I started Clark's winter hat.  I love the colors in this variegated yarn.

5.  The end of the dark hallway.

Doesn't that sound creepy?  Its really not, especially with the stringed lights brightening the space!  I like the way the mirror helps catch the light and I like the vignette.  

I hope you have a lovely weekend!


Kim said...

Oh I love the lights! And that baby...oh my goodness. SO much cuteness.

Vee said...

Yes, that does sound creepy and could be the title of a mystery novel. Ha! Oh boy! What a darling boy! Since we don’t see too many photos, it is quite shocking to see him so grown up already. Yes, that plate is a special one! And may it prove always true.

Estelle's said...

This was a beautiful post Deanna....I loved every photo....I remember those empty bedrooms when the children went away to college....bittersweet...happy weekend love!

Anonymous said...

Such a cute little boy. It just start raining in my part of the Pacific Northwest, finally! Hopefully the fires up and down the west coast will finally go out. Enjoy your weekend and God bless.


Mrs.T said...

Lovely post, Deanna! I enjoyed everything about it ... yarn colors, gorgeous light, sweet baby, and oh, that platter is beautiful!

Deanna said...

May you have a lovely week-end as well!
d on the prairie

Elizabethd said...

Four months! What a lovely smile!

Theresa said...

What a little cutie! I know you will be happy to see Rachel’s room with her in it again. Love that plate! Enjoy your weekend my friend, hugs.

Cheryl said...

Oh my goodness. Clark is growing . . . bigger and cuter! (Is that possible?) I had a little twinge when I saw Rachel's room. (It's so pretty!) I pray for her when I think of her.

Lots to love here today! (I guess it was actually yesterday, but you know.)

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