Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Christmas Fun

We've been having fun, preparing for Christmas.

Last Thursday while Emma and Family were still here, we made sugar cookies with the kids.

The recipe is easy and delicious and you can find it here.  The frosting recipe is good too, and was just right for an underlayer for sugar sprinkles or just by itself.

Sunday afternoon we went to our friends' Christmas party, and participated in an ugly sweater contest.
I won!  When I saw this in Goodwill I knew victory was mine!

We went to see the Christmas lights again last night!  We took Rachel's boyfriend Weston and had a fun time.  Donuts, coffee, music and lights all make for a great evening.

I've been trying Christmas diffuser blends this month and tomorrow I'll post which are my favorites!

One week until Christmas Day!


Vee said...

Oh, Emma has already gone? Where are they spending Christmas? Nosy.

Keep having fun and enjoying this wonderful time of year. Off to check out the cookie recipe.

Theresa said...

YUM cookies! I love a good sugar cookie, especially with icing:) Happy that you won the ugly sweater contest:) Have a blessed week dear friend, MERRY CHRISTMAS! HUGS!

Lorrie said...

Such fun times!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Those cookies look scrumptious! And yah on winning the ugly sweater contest.

Wishing you wonderful days ahead. Brenda xox

Home Keeping

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