Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, December 13, 2018

The Stockings Were Hung...

On my antique chippy ladder, as I do every year!  They are right behind the front door, in a little alcove made by the coat closet.  Its a spot where no other furniture can go, but the ladder fits there just fine, and it is part of the living room.

These are the stockings of the people who will be here Christmas Eve.  Our tradition is to open stockings together in the evening of Christmas Eve. (earlier in the day we are celebrating Tim's birthday)  We always have food to munch, and we either watch a movie or play games, sometimes both.

On Christmas morning, my parents will come over to open presents with us, and the married kids will usually come by later in the day, at least for a while.

Christmas is no stress here.  We are savoring the day, thankful for the gift of our Savior, Jesus.  We eat a lot, read, listen to music, play games, have company drop by.  If the weather is nice, people might go for a hike.

What are your traditions for Christmas Eve?


Rebecca said...

Sounds like fun! Few traditions here . Each year differs. Sometimes wish we HAD more, but with our family scattered across the U.S. it's just not "us". Usually time with extended family SOMEtime between Christmas Day and New Year. Each year brings it's own joy andmemorand ...

Estelle's said...

Oh the stockings.....a lovely tradition! Sounds festive and yet, relaxing Deanna...enjoy the moments!

Vee said...

I am alone on Christmas Eve and so it is often a busy time of last minute preps. I’d prefer to have it be a quiet time...perhaps reading or watching a movie. If I drove after dark, I’d be tempted to visit, but since those days are done, I make the best of it with the usual evening pursuits. All I have to say about this is that everyone better blog! 😁

What a cool spot for the family stockings!

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