Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, December 31, 2018

On The Last Day Of The Year

Here we are at year's end.  Seems like the year just started, in some ways, and yet not.  Its been an interesting year for me.  Physical struggles with my back and leg, a new grandbaby and one on the way, starting a business.  We left the church we were a part of for 10 years, I did very badly on my eating plan, struggled at times with discouragement.  But God has kept me close, and been a friend and encourager to me.

I had the blessing of two trips this past year, one for our 30th anniversary last January, and one in late November to Texas.  

After needing a new bed for many years, I finally convinced Tim to upgrade to a king size.  We bought a Lucid mattress and really like it.  It took Tim a few days to adjust to it, but now he says his shoulder doesn't hurt anymore! Win!

I have felt like I didn't have direction for my blog this past year, and it doesn't surprise me, with the way I was feeling this past year.  But I do have direction for this coming year, and I look forward to it.

Thank you for being such good friends to me, I eagerly look forward to your comments, and your visits to my blog are highly appreciated.  

As we go into the New Year, I pray that you'll hold fast to Jesus, and walk in Grace.

Happy New Year!


Linda said...

Happy New Year to you and yours! Love you, Deanna!

Kim said...

I could've written much of the same thing about this year, Deanna....and I can't believe it's gone by so quickly. Congratulations on the new bed. We slept in a full size for almost a decade, through pregnancies and toddlers jamming in between us. When we moved here and had room for a king we jumped at the chance. I'm glad you are enjoying yours. Can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve for 2019 and wish you and your lovely family nothing but the best. Happy New Year!!

Mrs.T said...

Happy New Year to you as well, Deanna! It's exciting to look back on 2018 and remember that even though things were far from ideal, God faithfully and lovingly brought us through it.

podso said...

Happy new year Deanna! I think you'll both love your new bed and I don't know if you've gotten it's new garb yet, but what you have on it looks pretty. You aren't the first I've heard describe 2018 as you have. What a great hope we have in a new year because of Who is at our side through it all.

Vee said...

I was no fan of 2018, 2017, 2016, etc., I seriously doubt that I’ll be in love with 2019 either. 😁 What you do with your blog and the way you went through the year was wonderful...Holy Spirit led. I have no doubt that that’s just how you’ll do your blog next year. Have a blessed, bright New Year and, before that, a wonderful New Year’s Eve. 🎇

Estelle's said...

Happy New Year Deanna...I love your new quilt!!! I look forward to what you have in store for us this's always a delight to visit your blog! May God bless you and those you love as we begin 2019!

Theresa said...

It was a good year and I expect the same for 2019. I will do my best to do some of the things that weren't accomplished last year:) Have a blessed day and year ahead, I pray it will be a great one for all of us! HUGS!

Vee said...

I just saw the pic of your bedding on my Friends list and for some reason, it dawned that this is your new bedding. I liked the other, but for a romantic kind of gal like yourself, coastal (or whatever) was probably not as much your style as this floral bedding. Very, very nice and more you. I am still using my comforter from thirty years ago...I just love it. I do have a new one, but I leave it upstairs on the other bed. Hope that the New Year dawned bright and beautiful. It has turned into a pretty nice day here after a stormy night.

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...