Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, December 21, 2018

Friday Five - Christmas Carols

I hope you are enjoying your Christmas preparations as much as I am.  We also are preparing for Tim's birthday (Christmas Eve), and the next week is Lindsay's birthday, and our anniversary.  

For this week's Five, I am sharing some of my favorite Carols and Songs of the season!  (also the videos are embedding in large format so if you are having trouble seeing the whole thing you should be able to double click the video and it will take you to the source.)

1. If you've been around my blog for a few years, you recognize this video, I share it every year.

2. I love this version of O Come, O Come Emmanuel by the Franz Family.

3. Wexford Carol - Yo Yo Ma and Alison Krauss  

4. All Is Well - Carrie Underwood and Michael W Smith

5. Noel - Lauren Daigle  

As you can tell I have very eclectic taste!  I guess its because I have teenagers in my home that I am exposed to current music as well as all my favorites!

I love so many songs that it was hard to pick just five.  I'm going to share one more favorite here as a bonus - Highland Cathedral from Amy Grant's album A Christmas To Remember.



Linda said...

All are beautiful!

Jan said...

I love all of these carols, but Highland Cathedral holds a special place in my heart. Our son and daughter-in-law were married three days after Christmas in a beautiful Scottish wedding complete with kilts and family tartan! They played Highland Cathedral as the processional and it was lovely!

Kim said...

Christmas music is definitely one the of the best things about the season!

Cheryl said...

Christmas music is soul-stirring! There are always lines from the music that stand out to me in a particular year. This year (and maybe others), I have heard "God and sinners reconciled" with renewed wonder!

Thanks for sharing some of your favorites today!

Buttercup said...

I know I've seen the Gloucester Cathedral video, but I had the great privilege of visiting the beautiful Gloucester Cathedral this summer. I visited a blog friend -- love my blog friends -- and that was one of our excursions.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

These are a lovely selection of carols. I listened to the first one and fell in love with that particular video. Thank you! Enjoy your weekend. xox

Vee said...

Very nice selections... My favorite? The first for message and atmosphere...

Theresa said...

Thank you for sharing these carols. Enjoy your day and week ahead dear friend, HUGS! Merry Christmas! said...

Great, thank you for sharing these. Yes, we need to listen to what the younger generation is listening to also. At our sons' church they have a little bit of a different type of music than what ours does so it's great to hear it and sing along with them!

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