Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Christmas Tree 2018

If its Wednesday, and it is, the grandgirlies are here!  There are obvious signs, as you can see...

I cut strips of plaid paper last night and started a paper chain.  Kamryn is going to work on it later for an art project, and we are going to make some cookies.  I like to have things for them to do when they are here.  Otherwise chaos ensues. (grin)

As promised. here is my Christmas tree.  This was taken Monday night, and the ribbon needed to be tweaked.  I was so pleased though that Sarah and Kyle both helped with the tree this year.

This is from this morning.  I added a bit more ribbon and tucked it in here and there!  Its perfect now!

I did a lot more decorating yesterday, and hope to get it finished in the next few days.  Then photos.  

Tomorrow things really pick up in activity.  Ice skating with our co-op in the morning, our annual Christmas dinner for the business, Friday Rachel arrives home and in the evening I'm hosting the co-op moms for a party.  We are exchanging crazy Christmas socks!  Its going to be really fun!  Emma and Vinnie and kids arrive in town on Saturday for a week of fun, too!

It sounds like it will be hectic, but it won't.  I work to keep things simple, and keep source of the season as the focus.  Comfort and Joy in our Savior, in our family and gatherings with friends.  Simple foods, some treats, and a warm welcome are all that's needed to celebrate.

The Light has come, what better reason to rejoice?!


Lorrie said...

Your tree looks lovely with that tartan ribbon woven around it. A crazy socks exchange sounds like a lot of fun.

Vee said...

How good to have helpers. Did they not participate last year? If not, I'm glad that they have changed their minds this. Time is fleeting. I really like the way the garland ribbon is swirling down so gracefully from the top of the tree. Happy sparkling!

Cheryl said...

I see the "evidence" that the grandgirlies are at your house today. And I'll bet they leave a bit of evidence behind too! It is rather sweet to find a block or a coloring page in some out of the way place. Sometimes I leave it there for a few days. :)

LOVE your beautiful tree . . . especially that delicious swirl of plaid ribbon!! (Love the plaid paper chain too!)

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

From Theresa

Your tree is beautiful and the signs that the little ones are there makes me long for little ones again:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

From Sylvia

Cute how your grands place their toys on your sofa. Love your tree, so pretty!

Linda said...

You hit the floor running when you got back home!!

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