Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Tea On Tuesday

20 Quotes For Tea Lovers

Wishing you all a very lovely day.

I have found this video to be interesting. Hydroxycholorquine is a medicine familiar to all people who live or work in countries where malaria is prevalent.  Tim grew up taking it. It's very safe.  Yet even today, 'fact checkers' and the media are saying it is not safe.  Doctors from all around the world have used this combination of meds, very inexpensive meds, to heal people from Covid. Even those who have existing conditions.

This is why we know there is an agenda behind the way this illness is being dealt with.  I hope you are able to watch the video.  It is being removed and censored from social media.

Don't live in fear - there is a cure. 


Linda said...

Great post...can I just add my 2 cents about a cure? Herd immunity...well, I better stop now. smiles

I watched the video, thanks for sharing.

Theresa said...

I watched that video this morning. I had to chase it to see it, removed quickly everywhere but I finally got to see it. WOW, is what I had to say. Enjoy your day dear friend, I'll have a cup of tea:) HUGS!

Vee said...

Yes, there is! How evil is it to say otherwise and allow Americans to die?! I think I need a cup of tea as I am also listening to the House Judiciary Committee hearing. 😡 I am obviously a glutton for punishment.

Linda said...

Wow! I watched it. Thank you!

Merri Mc Elderry said...

HI.... could you re post the video to my email I am interested as dad to ohad malaria and took that.. it saved him .. he always also had quinite in his medical kit , he was a dental tech we had our own business the three of us mom , dad me.. but he was a MEDIC in the war and if he got symptoms of malaria he took it... safe.. and healing.
There was one other thing a tube he got that totally was powerful with fungus as he had jungle rot on his feet when he came back..from China Burma India waters ... all the time wet feet/ I love your posts they are amazing.. solid, common sense , calm and wish you could post them all over the internet.. they make such sense and bring peace. Would you like to run for PResident? ha ha or maybe rep.....anyway if you can post that again do.... I see nothing when I hit on your VIDEO... I am in Southern Mn.. Northfield...thanks for keeping posting .. you make such a difference in the world with YOU LIGHT FOR GOD SHINING. Love , Merri

podso said...

It gets removed quickly on most sites. We too took Cloroquin for anti Malarial without any problems. I love all your tea quotes and photos. There's nothing like a cup of tea for a good dose of comfort!

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