Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, November 30, 2020


 Kyle and I got back about 45 minutes ago from dropping Sarah at the airport, She's on her way back to school.  She'll be back in a few weeks for Christmas break.  Her school does trimesters rather than semesters, so they have shorter breaks.

The weather this weekend was beautiful. Sunny, mild temps.  It was a great weekend to decorate!

We got our tree on Friday, and got it in water. Tim started the lights, but we didn't have enough, so he we decided to wait until the next morning to get more lights and decorate the tree.

In the evening the tree started to fall forward, and would stay upright.  Apparently trunk is not in the middle of the tree as the shape would suggest.  Its toward the wall more.  Who knew? We got our tree at Costco and they are fraser firs and all tied up so you can't see the details of the tree before you chose one and take it home.

Tim's solution Friday night was the bungee cord to the curtain rod.  But he came up with a better solution on Saturday.  He cut two boards and screwed the base into them.  Now it is very secure and we have a red sheet and tree skirt around them and they don't show.

Everyone pitched in with the decorating in some way and the tree got done quickly.  Sarah hung all our stockings on my antique ladder.

Then the guys went outside with the garlands and got them hung!  Sarah and I came outside and helped and sat in the sun.  It was a beautiful day.

Here is our tree with the sun shining on it...

The tree is very pretty this morning, too.

We did get a garland and lights up over the kitchen cupboards, too. I am doing a bit of decorating at a time, so it's easier for me.  Though Kyle is really helpful to me when I need someone to climb up on a counter or put something up high. 

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers for Kay, my dil.  She got her results back and the virus has been detected, so she will continue to stay home.  She has no symptoms other than her lack of taste or smell.  So weird.  If she hadn't had that happen she would never have known that she had covid.  They are all fine at their house, and its hard for the kids to understand because no one is "sick." 

Friday, November 27, 2020

It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year!


Our Thanksgiving turned out differently than we had planned.  My daughter in law, may have Covid (she's waiting on test results) so we ended up with just the four of us.  I had to scramble a bit, because my part of the meal was turkey, gravy, and green bean casserole.  I simplified, which was fine with my family, and added rolls and mashed potatoes. Oh, I also made a chocolate cream pie.  I really missed my mom's pumpkin roll!

We enjoyed a lovely meal together.  It's delightful to have fun with your nearly grown adult children.  They had decided that because no one else would be coming to our home yesterday we should have a 'How To Train Your Dragon' movie marathon, and so we did.

Here is our table set for four! 

The last two photos are curtesy of Sarah.

I never use this tablecloth because it is a small round and only works when there are no leaves in the table.  Because it is a busy pattern, I kept the plates and napkins neutral and used red glassware to tie into the red in the tablecloth.

Today, we are going to try to get a tree, I'm hosting a very small gathering of ladies on Tuesday. Christmas is my favorite holiday, and I love decorating.

My decor is very simple usually, garlands, greens, ribbon, lights, candles.  It is nice to have into the New Year, too, though the tree doesn't always last through the New Year, the garlands, lights, and ribbons do last!  Always cheery!

I hope you all had a wonderful day giving thanks!

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

She's here!


My girl is home!

She's full of talk of classes, and people, and what she's learning.  She arrived wearing the Word of Life Bible School hoodie that Rachel gave to Kyle.  Sarah had borrowed it one day, and loved it, so Kyle gave it to her to take to school. (sweet)  Its funny to me because that is not Sarah's Bible School!  She says the hoodie is warm and cozy and so she wears it!

Love this girl!

To all my American readers, Happy Thanksgiving!  I hope that however you are celebrating this year, you will find joy in remembering how much we have to be Thankful for.  I know that for many, the holidays are hard and my thoughts and prayers are with you.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Our Favorite Apple Pie Recipe


I copied this recipe from a friend over thirty years ago.  It's still our favorite.  I use real butter over margarine now though.  This recipe is made for a pie pan, there is no crust, but the topping is what is unique.  It's not a crumb topping.  It's wonderful.  I always make it in a 9x13 so I double everything except the cinnamon sugar that goes on the sliced up apples.  I do about 3/4 cup sugar and cinnamon.  

Do you have tried and true recipes that you have been making for many years?

Joining Sandi and friends at her No Place Like Home party!

Monday, November 23, 2020

Weekend and Election Talk

 The weeks of November are flying by, and we are now at Thanksgiving week! This weekend Rachel and Wes used our home to host a 'Friendsgiving' gathering.  They had a total of 4 guests, so with Rachel and Wes, and us (who they kindly included) there were nine people at the table.  

The centerpiece was a collaborative thing.  I suggested some of my dried hydrangea and candles.  She decided on the battery ones, and added a few of my ceramic pumpkins. I forgot to get a photo of the table completely set, but we used white china plates with silver trim, clear crystal stemware, cloth napkins in deep fall colors.  It was very pretty.   

I've left the centerpiece because its so pretty, and if I don't think up a new design, I will use it for our Thanksgiving on Thursday.

Now, I don't want anyone to worry about us having guests.  We've known these young adults for years, and they are very responsible.  In fact one couple that was planning to attend, did not come due to the young woman being exposed to covid.  She's been isolating, and is not ill, but they decided to be careful and not attend.

This is what we can expect of mature adults.  We don't have to be forced into choices, we can freely make good choices on our own.

Another exciting thing that happened on Saturday is that Tim got the new picket fencing sections up! I don't know if the weather will hold for us to paint them before winter, but they will be painted white, like the posts.  I'm very happy about this!

In election news, so much has come out hasn't it?  Why would votes from the US go to foreign countries to be counted?  Why did the military seize servers in Germany?  Why won't the people who run the voting machine company come to my state to answer basic questions about their system?  Why have they moved out of offices in Toronto shared with the Tides Foundation (Soros funded), and other progressive groups?  Why have they deleted their linked in profiles?  Things are heating up.  The msm is working hard to make it seem as if DJT is trying to steal the election, when the opposite has happened.  This is about more than DJT getting another term as president.  This is about fixing election fraud that has gone on for many years, and insuring that We The People can have confidence in the election process for years to come.

There are layers of darkness that elected officials have been involved with for years, and all of that must come out, too.  People will not want to know this information, its vile, and good people will hardly be able to accept much of it.  But it must all come out.  Pray for people that their eyes will be opened, and they will see what's going on.  We've been feed information for a biased media for years, and told that the media is honest.  It's not.  

Did you know all media companies are owned by six corporations?  Look it up and see who owns what companies, and then ask yourself if they control the narrative.  There are those who think that the social media platforms may shut down, not just censor, when a lot of the evidence for the fraud comes out.  Remember, this is not about just this election.  Its about rooting out long standing corruption.  

I'm continuing to pray, but I have confidence. Chins up everyone!

Friday, November 20, 2020

Friday Five

 Hi Friends! Another week has quickly come to an end.  We had some family visiting for part of this week, and it was a joy to see them.  Otherwise it was a school week for Kyle and I and then a grocery shopping and errand day with Rachel yesterday.

1. Our nephew got married in February to an awesome young woman.  They are missionaries in Africa and will be leaving to go back to Africa in February.

2. and 3. I am loving my candles at night.

4. I have these set on a timer, so they come on at about 5:00pm and go off about midnight.

5. Some one asked about this diffuser when I posted it earlier this week.  It is small and from Young Living.  It has three settings for time I usually have it set for three hours.  I am probably going to send this back to school with Sarah after Thanksgiving.  If you are interested in trying any Young Living products, you can contact me and I'd be happy to help you get started or you can just order through me.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Let's Talk Turkey

 Thanksgiving is next week, so I thought it was time to talk about our plans for Thanksgiving.  We will be only having family this year, and the ones who will be coming we see regularly.  Some people have a 'covid' circle and we've done this with our family from the beginning.

We will only be 12 at the table this year, as our married daughters will all be with their inlaws this Thanksgiving.  We have invited my niece, as well.

I want to say that I think holidays like Christmas and Thanksgiving should be celebrated even if we are alone on those holidays.  Remember the famous words of Scrooge, 

 “I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future. The Spirits of all Three shall strive within me. ''

I think this goes for Thanksgiving as well.  It is the spirit of the holiday that we are celebrating.  Being Thankful and remembering God's goodness to us.

So I encourage you to set your table with your best dishes, buy some sparkling grape juice or wine, and celebrate!

Here are some tables I've set over the last few years

The most important thing I love to share is my tried and true tip for a stress free Thanksgiving - slow roast your bird overnight!  Here is a link to my post about how to do it. 

People all over the country cook their turkey this way, and I hear from them every year about how great their turkeys turn out!  The key is to cook your bird three times as long as you would on normal heat.  Follow the link for all the details!

I learned this tip from Emilie Barnes in her book on traditions - 


When I was looking for the photos of my tables I came across this hymn my friend Jane had shared with me and I thought it was such a great reminder - 

In Heavenly Love Abiding

  1. In heav’nly love abiding,
    No change my heart shall fear;
    And safe is such confiding,
    For nothing changes here.
    The storm may roar without me,
    My heart may low be laid,
    But God is round about me,
    And can I be dismayed?
  2. Wherever He may guide me,
    No want shall turn me back;
    My Shepherd is beside me,
    And nothing can I lack.
    His wisdom ever waketh,
    His sight is never dim;
    He knows the way He taketh,
    And I will walk with Him.
  3. Green pastures are before me,
    Which yet I have not seen;
    Bright skies will soon be o’er me,
    Where darkest clouds have been.
    My hope I cannot measure,
    My path to life is free;
    My Savior has my treasure,
    And He will walk with me.

Anna L. Waring

Have an excellent day friends.

Monday, November 16, 2020


 Our weekend was lovely, I hope yours was, too.  Tim's sister and brother in law were here on their way to hunt on our brother in law's family farm.  

We had a nice lunch out at a small family restaurant, that is local to us. We are trying to support them as much as we can.

Church was good, we are talking about making disciples.

Dusk on Friday night, and some scenes around the house.  There is beauty in everyday normal things, I try to notice and have tried to teach my kids to notice, too.

I think it helps to have a heart full of gratitude for what we do have.  In America we have abundance and don't even realize it.

The rally in DC this weekend was incredible, wasn't it?  All those people together and not one building lit on fire or looted.  

My in laws are on their way this morning, Tim is working and Kyle and I have school to do, so I better get moving.

See you tomorrow.

Friday, November 13, 2020

Five On Friday


Rachel asked me last week if I'd help her and friend Jackie make Christmas wreaths for their homes.  "Jackie asked if I knew anyone who knew how to make wreaths.  I said, "My mom! She'd love to help us!"  Yes, I would and yes, I did!

But I should say I just guided them in picking out the things they'd need at Hobby Lobby, and gave advice while they made them.

Didn't they do a fabulous job?! They were so thrilled at how they turned out, and very pleased to have made them their selves

Jackie made two, one is for her Mom, whom she will see at Thanksgiving.

The photo above of the red plaid ribbon is mine.  I bought a new green wreath this year, and was working on a new plaid bow.  I think I'm going to make the bow bigger.

Hobby Lobby has most Christmas items 50% off right now, if you need supplies to make your own wreaths.  The key things to think about are texture, colors, and over all look you're going for.  

Rachel had an inspiration photo, showed it to me and I told her that would be easy to make.  Jackie liked it too, and used inspiration from it but added her own touches for her mom's wreath.

Of course we listened to Christmas music, and then drank hot tea, in real tea cups.  It was just what my sometimes lonely heart needed.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

ps - chins up, friends. Remember the what the media says doesn't make it true. They are trying to give you the illusion that this is a done deal.  There is no "Office of the President Elect." Never has been, never will be.  NO state has yet certified their votes, and some states that the media called for Bid*n are actually moving toward DJT.  Pray and trust.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Happy News!


Lindsay (my oldest daughter) and her husband Joseph have bought a house!  The housing market here in central PA has been on fire, people flee New York and New Jersey.  Houses are snatched up nearly as soon as they go on the market.  Its been wild.

They close in early December and Lindsay is full of plans.  They have about an acre and a half of land as well and this is a dream for her.  She is going to be taking the chickens to live at her home, and she has garden plans, and is getting a dog.  All things she loves.

The Burning Bush is a deeper red than my photo shows.  This chicken coop is going to Lindsay's new home, too.  We will then take the dog run down and I want to use this cement pad as a sitting area, and get a fire pit for this space.

The house is about 10-15 minutes from here and is a log cabin style home (about 1200 sq ft) with a small conservatory. There is some updating they want to do in the kitchen, but overall they are just going to paint before they move in.

We are really excited for them!

It's rainy here today, but I took a few photos of the property.

This is a mulberry tree.  

My rose next to the deck is producing again.  The weather has been so mild!

This small burning bush is a different color than the other two by the chicken coop.  They were all purchased at the same place and planted at the same time.  Its amazing how the different location has made such a difference in their growth.

Also, do you see that yellow house across the road?  An Amish family lives there.  They took a walk on Sunday and came past our house. I hope to get an opportunity to meet them.

Keep praying friends. Much is happening, and I believe that people are beginning to recognize that their has been much fraud (not reported by msm) and that this election is not over.  

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Trees On Tuesday


Remembering the beauty of my Red Sunset Maples this autumn.


It's incredible, how quickly they've lost their leaves! In this last photo we really don't have many leaves at all, but you can see the pin oak in our neighbors yard through our tree!

Kyle mowed yesterday and then Tim used the leaf blower and the yard is bare and tidy again.  I do miss the leaves on the ground, but I know Tim is happy to have the job out of the way for the year.  

The neighbors pin oak is huge and has about a million leaves.  They blow our way so we will still have some leave blowing to do.  We are looking into ideas (finally) to replace the picket section on this fence, too.  I'm leaning toward vinyl lattice panels.

Regarding election news, I find it interesting that the dems are going forward with a narrative of Joe Biden being the president elect, when no state has yet finalized their counts and there are obvious voting fraud issues.  Did you know that the company that makes the voting machines used in many states (where the voting had 'glitches') is run by Nancy P*losi's chief of staff and Di*ne Feinst*in's husband is a huge investor?  Curious and Curiouser.  

Remember too, that Al Gore in 2000 was declared the winner for 37 days, but Bush won that election. 

They are trying to build a narrative so that when Trump is revealed to be the winner, people will think that he stole the election and will riot and go crazy. I've heard that they may even attack the White House. I certainly hope not!

There are so many years of corruption with our elections, and I think for it all to be fixed so that the citizen can be assured of fair and legal voting, there is going to have to be a big revelation of corruption. Maybe then we might have voter id, at the very least.

Every citizen should want fair, safe, and legal elections.  When one side doesn't want to take safe guards to insure this, it tells you something.

Pray for people to have eyes to see, to understand the process (just because the MEDIA says JB is the 'projected' winner doesn't make it so).  Pray for a desire to protect the election process for the future good of our nation.  This is about more than just DJT getting four more years.

Be at peace friends.


Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...