Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Garden and Glasses

My cottage garden is looking lovely, in spite of the iris being almost done. The roses, poppies and peonies are beautiful.

One reason this garden brings me joy is that I am able to cut some of them and enjoy them in the house.

Take this gorgeous peony for example.

I have several small groupings of this beautiful peony around the house. Delightful.

This peony was given to my by my mom who no longer wanted it. She says now that she regretted that, but I suppose she's glad now that she lives here at our home! I cut some for her room on Saturday!

I ordered sunglasses and readers this week, and they arrived this weekend!

Not the best photos, but they'll do. I got a five pack of readers, so I can keep a pair in my purse, next to my bed, next to my chair, etc. They have blue light blocking as well. The sunglasses are polarized.
Trying to protect my eyes!

I hope you had a nice holiday weekend.

Yesterday, two friends came over for lunch. We ate homemade grilled hamburgers, potato salad, baked beans, and a delicious corn salad that Betsy shared on her blog {here}. The only thing I didn't add is cucumber, as I didn't have any. It was very good. We also had fresh picked local strawberries, and English Apple Pie and Ice Cream for dessert.

It was a really nice day.

Monday, May 30, 2022


 Happy Memorial Day! I'm never sure about saying 'happy' because it is a day to remember those who lost their lives in the service of our nation. I'm thinking of those families this morning, who also paid a price.

This weekend we did puttering things and work around the house and property. Kyle vacuumed out the pool, Tim worked on our string edger to no avail, Sarah helped me move furniture in the living room and dust under and behind it, then vacuum. 

On Sunday we four went to church, came home for lunch, then Tim and Sarah took a bike ride on the rail trail. There is a nice stretch of old rail line that has been made into a walking/biking trail. They rode about 10 miles (5 there and 5 back). Then Tim got into the pool with Kyle. Soon we'll have a small deck on the pool and it will make it easier for everyone to get in. Tim really wanted to edge along the creek, and they mow for a client and also mow for some elderly friends, and so he decided to go buy a new edger. 

I rode 'shotgun' and went along. It was a beautiful day, warm but not hot and no humidity. When we got home, the four of us watched the third movie in the 'How To Train Your Dragon' trilogy. They are Kyle's favorite movies. He might qualify that because he does love The Lord of the Rings, also, and enjoys Star Wars, too.

Today, Tim and Kyle are working at the church. They are replacing deck boards and railings on the big deck our church has behind our building. We use this space a lot in the summer, and our June outdoor services start on the 12th!

I am working on potato salad for lunch, and I make up our homemade hamburgers. We'll have baked beans, and some desserts, too! A friend from church is coming over and probably our friend Denny. It's so important that we think of those who may be alone over holidays, and invite them to join you. Today there will be swimming, good discussions, games, some good food. I've got holiday paper plates, napkins, and cups, too!

Graphic by Abby at Little Birdie Blessings


"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13

I hope your day is filled with Good Things!

Friday, May 27, 2022

information Friday


Beauty in my garden.

It's been a devastating week, hasn't it? 

This is where the left goes. Ugly.

New subject. Very important to understand that there was a lot of illegal votes in the 2020 election.

Closing arguments today in the Michael Sussman trial. This is the first of many trials that will take place with regard to 'Russian Collusion' hoax.

I found this interesting....

This is from the reporter John Roberts.

The globalists are in a panic.

There is so much going on and I just cannot explain it all to you. There have been globalists running things for many years, happy to work and control leaders from the shadows. This is being broken apart.

For those who have or are unaware of this kind of thing, the happenings in the world are quite scary. I think we'll see a very scary scenario that they will try to convince us to their view. They are getting desperate, and do not want to give up the power they have.

Have you ever wondered how they got nearly every country to go along with the same sort of lockdowns and rules for cov*d? Have you ever heard Klaus Schwab of the WEF speak of how they have trained up young leaders and now have them in top positions in the governments around the world?


As those who've been corrupted in our country are revealed many will be shocked. So many are waking up and I hope you are one of them.

This weekend is Memorial Day Weekend in the US and I want to say thank you to all of our Service Men and Women who've paid the ultimate price, and to their families. Thank you isn't enough, but our family is so grateful for you.

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Let's Chat

 Thank you for your comments on yesterday's post. They have filled my heart, and encouraged me. My love language is words of affirmation.

I've been praying about what to write for my column in our quarterly state homeschool magazine. Yesterday, before I got out of bed the phrase "the sons of Issachar" came to my mind.

In 1 Chronicles 12:32 we read, "Of the sons of Issachar, men who understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do." This verse caught my attention years ago and ever since I have asked God to make me like the sons of Issachar. I longed for wisdom and understanding.

It came together in my mind yesterday morning about how God has been using that prayer of mine. Helping me discern what is true, and then having my blog where I can share what I am learning. I'm grateful that you find it helpful and useful.

I'm grieved for the parents who lost children in the shooting yesterday. This kind of event is demonic, truly. The enemy of our souls has always been out to destroy what God loves. I'm lifting the families in prayer, as I know you are, too. Makes my post of yesterday even more important.

Still enjoying the peonies in on my dresser.

 Yesterday, Sarah and I went to an afternoon showing of the new Downton Abbey movie. We really enjoyed it, and I enjoyed time with my girl. She's away at school for most of the year, and when an opportunity comes to spend time together, I take it! 

I'm taking my mom for her birthday/mother's day massage gift today! I'm getting a therapeutic massage, and she's getting a regular massage. 

We have a few days of school left on our calendar then we are done with another year of homeschool. One more year left for Kyle.


One of the most profound mysteries of life is how long the days are of parenting and yet how quickly the years fly by!

                      Kyle (in blue) with his friend Caleb at a Cowboy birthday party 9 years ago.

Kamryn, our oldest grand, will be 12 this year. We talked with our oldest grandson last night. We facetimed because we miss them, but also he has a birthday soon, and we were looking for gift ideas. He's almost four! Crazy!

I wish you a day full of peace, friends. Leave your burdens with the Lord. He will carry them, and we can trust him.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Seeking Out Beauty

 Well, it's quiet in blogland these days.

I know many of you may be uncomfortable with my Friday posts. That's okay. I'm uncomfortable knowing what's going on and I am compelled to share with you all.

In my daily life, I do a lot of reading; Bible study, news and current events, gardening. But I choose to focus daily on seeking out beauty. I posted this week on Truth Social and this is what I shared.

 Focusing on what is True, Honorable, Just, Pure, Lovely, Commendable, Excellent, Praiseworthy has kept me with my mind focused on the right things. 

Also, I believe that this something that is in my hands to do. There are many things beyond my control but this is not one of them. I cannot determine the outcome of court cases, or insure that elected officials act justly, but I can seek out beauty.

That list above is really a list of things that are full of beauty. A neighbor helping another neighbor, encouraging someone, listening to your children talk. 

Growing some flowers, taking a drive to see the ocean, watching the clouds move in the sky. Cooking a meal for your family and a weekly visiting friend, setting a pretty table, putting flowers in a vase in the bathroom.

I can control much of the beauty in my life, and I can pray to have eyes to see beauty everywhere.

I encourage you to find beauty, and point it out to others in your life. This is the kind of goodness that will help others. There is such a need for healing in this world, in our nation, our towns, our neighborhoods. We can help others on the path to the ultimate healer. 

All it takes is someone to say, "Did you see that beautiful..."

Monday, May 23, 2022



The peonies burst into bloom this weekend, with our soaring temps! Thankfully we are back to moderate temps and they may last longer than a day or two!

It was a scorching hot weekend, but Tim and I went to an Amish garden center and bought the flowers for my pots!

I potted 6 different pots. All with these flowers in them. Very pretty. On the way home we stopped and bought some early local strawberries. They are going to break my budget this year! But they are so good.

Sarah made muffins, Tim puttered outside fixing a swing, weedwacking, and then mowing for some friends. In the evening, a friend dropped by with a few of his kids, who enjoyed looking for frogs in the creek!

Tim opened the pool yesterday, and Kyle, Rachel, Wes, Kamryn, and Klaire all took the plunge!

Everyone was done in the pool by the time the thunderstorm moved in! The storm brought the cooler air with it, and I'm grateful. I wasn't ready for it to be in the 90's!

Tim and I sat in the shade on the deck, and watched the kids swim. I can't wait to get new glasses. I've had these a long time! Plus I think I'll only need readers!

A photo of the storm clouds brewing. The clouds moved in and then moved on, then the thunder started, and later it rained. 

This morning we have cool temps and the high will be 72 degrees! That's more like it!

At church we are having a sermon series on what heaven will be like. As a kid I thought we'd be angels and sit on clouds, playing harps! After all, isn't that what all the comic strips portray heaven as?

I'm glad to know that its a physical new earth, and that we'll have things to do!

Did you have a good weekend?

Late October Weekend

  I had a quiet weekend at home, and I enjoyed it.  I cut some of my limelight hydrangea, now with their autumn blush on them and took them ...