Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Let's Chat

 Thank you for your comments on yesterday's post. They have filled my heart, and encouraged me. My love language is words of affirmation.

I've been praying about what to write for my column in our quarterly state homeschool magazine. Yesterday, before I got out of bed the phrase "the sons of Issachar" came to my mind.

In 1 Chronicles 12:32 we read, "Of the sons of Issachar, men who understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do." This verse caught my attention years ago and ever since I have asked God to make me like the sons of Issachar. I longed for wisdom and understanding.

It came together in my mind yesterday morning about how God has been using that prayer of mine. Helping me discern what is true, and then having my blog where I can share what I am learning. I'm grateful that you find it helpful and useful.

I'm grieved for the parents who lost children in the shooting yesterday. This kind of event is demonic, truly. The enemy of our souls has always been out to destroy what God loves. I'm lifting the families in prayer, as I know you are, too. Makes my post of yesterday even more important.

Still enjoying the peonies in on my dresser.

 Yesterday, Sarah and I went to an afternoon showing of the new Downton Abbey movie. We really enjoyed it, and I enjoyed time with my girl. She's away at school for most of the year, and when an opportunity comes to spend time together, I take it! 

I'm taking my mom for her birthday/mother's day massage gift today! I'm getting a therapeutic massage, and she's getting a regular massage. 

We have a few days of school left on our calendar then we are done with another year of homeschool. One more year left for Kyle.


One of the most profound mysteries of life is how long the days are of parenting and yet how quickly the years fly by!

                      Kyle (in blue) with his friend Caleb at a Cowboy birthday party 9 years ago.

Kamryn, our oldest grand, will be 12 this year. We talked with our oldest grandson last night. We facetimed because we miss them, but also he has a birthday soon, and we were looking for gift ideas. He's almost four! Crazy!

I wish you a day full of peace, friends. Leave your burdens with the Lord. He will carry them, and we can trust him.


Vee said...

Was he able to help you out with gift ideas? ☺️

Gosh Kyle has always been really cute. I do love those photos of him.

The Downton Abbey movie sounds good, but it is not the movie I am trying to find.
So far, no luck seeing it at the theater.

Hope you and your mom had nice massages. I should pray that you are still vertical.
Those therapeutic massages can be something else.

Now I'm off to check out Chronicles and The Sons of Issachar.

Praying for the brokenhearted today and in this grieving season.

Linda said...

I love Downton Abbey and hope to see the new movie soon! I don't think I saw the other one now that I think about it!

Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...