Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, May 27, 2022

information Friday


Beauty in my garden.

It's been a devastating week, hasn't it? 

This is where the left goes. Ugly.

New subject. Very important to understand that there was a lot of illegal votes in the 2020 election.

Closing arguments today in the Michael Sussman trial. This is the first of many trials that will take place with regard to 'Russian Collusion' hoax.

I found this interesting....

This is from the reporter John Roberts.

The globalists are in a panic.

There is so much going on and I just cannot explain it all to you. There have been globalists running things for many years, happy to work and control leaders from the shadows. This is being broken apart.

For those who have or are unaware of this kind of thing, the happenings in the world are quite scary. I think we'll see a very scary scenario that they will try to convince us to their view. They are getting desperate, and do not want to give up the power they have.

Have you ever wondered how they got nearly every country to go along with the same sort of lockdowns and rules for cov*d? Have you ever heard Klaus Schwab of the WEF speak of how they have trained up young leaders and now have them in top positions in the governments around the world?


As those who've been corrupted in our country are revealed many will be shocked. So many are waking up and I hope you are one of them.

This weekend is Memorial Day Weekend in the US and I want to say thank you to all of our Service Men and Women who've paid the ultimate price, and to their families. Thank you isn't enough, but our family is so grateful for you.


ellen said...

Bravo to you, my friend! Prayers for you and all people who fighting this evil. Your irises are beautiful!

Bonnie Schulte said...

Thank you once again for posting, even as scary and true this all is. I wish all those that have blinders on, would read the truth you post. So many don't want to know, or maybe just don't give a "dam"
Husband and I are going up to the cemetery today, will put flowers and a flag on my dad's grave. WW2 Vet, and receiver of two Purple hearts. So thank full for all of the Men and Women no longer with us, those who are now held in the arms of God.

Little Birdie Blessings said...

Wow, lots of information here. Thanks for putting it together in one place. Evil, pure evil. It's hard to comprehend.

Vee said...

Yes. It has indeed been a hellish week. I am reluctant even three days later to pretend that I know what happened and why. So many stories and all conflicting. Is there no such thing as journalism anymore? Why are the facts so difficult to corral? Is the grandmother alive or dead? How many are in the hospital fighting for their lives? What do the policemen have to say for themselves? Did he walk in freely or break through a window? And on and on.

Monkey pox...another thing. Is it caused by homosexual behavior as I have heard or is it airborne as I have also heard? Anyone know?

Praying for you, too, and all the brave souls who try to get to the bottom of things.

It is a weekend of remembering. And so we will...

Debby said...

Thank you for posting truth.

Linda said...

Indeed, there is a deep Spiritual sickness...thank you for the speaking the truth.

Linda said...

Oh, MY!! Lots and lots of information here and thank you for sharing it. We need much prayer these days!

Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...