Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Let's Chat

 I have to go pick up the flowers, for the wedding this weekend, in a bit, but I wanted to do a bit of a chit chat. I'm excited to get my hands on the flowers for the wedding this weekend! 

Kyle is working with Tim today, just up the road from us. An elderly woman lives in her home, and started having issues last week with flushing a toilet. Turns out that she had a big septic issue due to their system not be attended to properly over the years. It had not been pumped in many, many years, a pipe needs to be replaced and more. If you have a septic system take good care of it! It will cost you thousands, maybe tens of thousands, if you don't.

There is a lot happening in our nation. If you don't see that things are being done purposefully to bring our nation down, I'd ask you to stop watching the legacy media and read other sources of news. It will open your eyes.

Have you heard of the movie 2000 Mules? It's been playing to packed theaters. There are places to stream it online, and I hope to get a chance to see it next week. The movie makers used geofencing and cell phone tracking (like the intelligence agency's use, and the CDC) to follow people who were visiting ballot drop boxes repeatedly. They put in parameters such as having to visit 5 offices of places like political headquarters and visit 28 different ballot drop box locations. These were the only people they tracked. These people didn't just drop off one ballot each time, which would be bad enough. They dropped off many. It shows clearly that this is one way they stole the election in 2020. They didn't follow or track anyone who visited 5 offices and only 10 ballot box locations, for example, so just imagine the amount of ballot harvesting that went on! You can watch the trailer for it {here}.

Many news agencies are trying to say this kind of tracking isn't reliable, etc, but it is! It is exactly what the FBI did to track down people who had been at the capitol on January 6th.


I went to Whole Foods yesterday, and I saw mature tomato plants for sale. I think I'll buy one this week, or maybe two, and get tomatoes early! Nothing like home grown tomatoes!

My strawberries have some flowers on them in the pot on the deck. I'm excited that it is almost time for local strawberries!

I grew up in Southern California and everything we ate came from the grocery store. It was all bland, and hybridized to handle shipping without rotting out. Local food is where it's at friends. The flavor can't be beat. We eat local veg, local fruits, local meat, local eggs. I encourage you to seek to buy locally grown food, or grow some yourselves! Even if you live in a small apartment you can grow herbs in pots, tomatoes in a pot, strawberries. Do what you can! People even grow potatoes in bags! Have you seen that?

With food processing plants burning down, and baby formula plants shut down, people are realizing how reliant we are on big systems to provide food for us. 

We bought this book years ago, and learned much from it.

We didn't do all the things, but it shows just what you can do. We did somethings for many years. Growing veg, having chickens. Everyone can do something. It's about independence. During WWII everyone was encouraged to keep chickens and grow a garden. The reason was that the country was sending so much of the other food to the soldiers overseas. That's why the people here at home had rationing too.

Well, I guess I've given you enough to chat about with me in the comments! Have a great day!


Kim said...

I agree, nothing like homegrown and fresh food. We always talk about starting a garden. Maybe we should get on that!!

Deanna said...

Gardening is delightful and can be an extra great way to feed ourselves. As for politics...Our liberties are being challenged and yet who selects our candidates in the first place? I will be so bold as to say the selection is rigged in the first place and controlled by individuals calling the shots to begin with that have an agenda for the American people. Both sides of the aisle are corrupt. Sad, but true.

Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...