Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Summer Plans


It's been a busy season of life for us since Tim's mom passed in February. Several trips to Florida, a trip to South Carolina for Sarah's graduation, coordinating and doing the floral work for a wedding. Plus family birthdays,  Tim's business, homeschooling - it's been a lot.

My house has mostly gotten the vacuum, dust, and tidy treatment, but it is in need of a deeper cleaning. With summer nearly here, it needs to 'lighten up' as well! I am thinking through some ideas for easy summer living this year, with the pool and doing something different furniture wise out on the patio. I want to enjoy the outdoors this summer.

The Queen Anne's Lace is giving me summer vibes, and I'm ready for it. 

This week I have to do testing with Kamryn, and we finish school next week! Woo Hoo! Kyle will be a senior next year.

I am doing some clean up work this week, too, from the wedding. I have items to return, and a dying flower tower to take apart. It's been gorgeous to have in my living room!

I want to share an easy and tasty recipe with you, if you like teriyaki.
Aldi has great teriyaki sauce, and so I cook up some chicken and cut it into bit size pieces, I add canned pineapple chunks, plus the juice, and add cut up carrots along with two jars of sauce. I let that simmer while I make rice for my family I cook two cups which turns into four cups cooked.

I put the sauce and chicken over the rice and serve! Takes about 30 minutes. This meal is loved by the whole family and you know it's a keeper when everyone loves it!

Easy meals, summer campfires, pool time, lounging on the patio. Those are my plans. What are your plans for summer living and cooking?

I'd love to hear about it! I know a few of you New Englander's have cabins, and we've so enjoyed our Canadian cousins' cottages that it makes me wish we had one, too!


Kim said...

My goodness you have been busy! The flowers look beautiful and that tower is outstanding! You are a trendsetter! We're waiting on a mason right now to replace our patio. My husband normally would DIY it, but it's a really big job and very necessary. So like you, I'm also looking at a lot of outdoor decor right now...getting ready for summer! Enjoy!!

Vee said...

The family has a cottage that no one feels easy about visiting. We hear so much about problems getting over and back the times being what they are. My plans for this day were to mow the lawn. Alas, the mower won't start. So I busied myself with some garage cleaning. I think now that I've had a late lunch that I'll go out and prune the forsythia. All my flowering bushes—lilacs, forsythia, and azalea need some attention.

Thanks for the yummy teriyaki recipe. It sounds great. Too bad there's no Aldis in these parts.

Oh summer plans...not sure I have many except I want to get to the ocean and I want to get to Laurel's, and I'd like to get to a couple of ball games to see the grands play.

Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...