Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, May 23, 2022



The peonies burst into bloom this weekend, with our soaring temps! Thankfully we are back to moderate temps and they may last longer than a day or two!

It was a scorching hot weekend, but Tim and I went to an Amish garden center and bought the flowers for my pots!

I potted 6 different pots. All with these flowers in them. Very pretty. On the way home we stopped and bought some early local strawberries. They are going to break my budget this year! But they are so good.

Sarah made muffins, Tim puttered outside fixing a swing, weedwacking, and then mowing for some friends. In the evening, a friend dropped by with a few of his kids, who enjoyed looking for frogs in the creek!

Tim opened the pool yesterday, and Kyle, Rachel, Wes, Kamryn, and Klaire all took the plunge!

Everyone was done in the pool by the time the thunderstorm moved in! The storm brought the cooler air with it, and I'm grateful. I wasn't ready for it to be in the 90's!

Tim and I sat in the shade on the deck, and watched the kids swim. I can't wait to get new glasses. I've had these a long time! Plus I think I'll only need readers!

A photo of the storm clouds brewing. The clouds moved in and then moved on, then the thunder started, and later it rained. 

This morning we have cool temps and the high will be 72 degrees! That's more like it!

At church we are having a sermon series on what heaven will be like. As a kid I thought we'd be angels and sit on clouds, playing harps! After all, isn't that what all the comic strips portray heaven as?

I'm glad to know that its a physical new earth, and that we'll have things to do!

Did you have a good weekend?


Vee said...

Sounds as if we are enjoying similar weather. The weekend was hot and steamy and today is cool and pleasant. I've been outside for an hour and a half and will head out again as soon as I have my breath back. Washing those dishes on my fence has been exhausting. ☺️

How nice that the family got to use the pool. Looks as if next weekend will be nice and too warm again. Your planters look lovely. I don't think I'll do any this year because I struggle to keep up with watering, but I love the look of them.

Cheryl said...

Your pots look lovely! I agree with you: 72 degrees is more like it for May. But I'll bet the pool felt great to the ones who took the plunge! We spent Saturday in the car. Not my favorite, but there were certainly pleasant moments as we (Ron, Bekah, and I) traveled and spent good time together. We spent yesterday afternoon with Kristin and her family, grilling burgers, staying cool (after grilling), and playing games. Good times!

Kim said...

We did some gardening as well and yes, it was hot! We haven't opened our pool yet. We're having patio work done and don't want shards of concrete in there. Hopefully, we can get it open this weekend! Enjoy your water view!

ellen b. said...

Beautiful peonies. Yours are way ahead of ours. The pots are looking so nice. I'm going to wait till June to freshen up the pots here. We are still getting some frost. YIKES. Looks like a fun time in the pool. Are both of your eyes done? When I had my first eye done they removed the lense from that side of my glasses.

ellen b. said...

lens ...

Theresa said...

Your flowers are beautiful! Great job! A nice swim is always fun:) We had a lot of rain yesterday and really needed it. Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Estelle's said...

Your peonies are just gorgeous Deanna! Looks like a great weekend at your house!

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