Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, June 30, 2008

2 New Blogs For Your Summer Enjoyment!

This summer I am not reading books like a fiend, as I usually do. I am enjoying some gardening magazines and I am finishing up Emma by Jane Austen (kind of important since I am going to teach it in our homeschool co-op this year!).

What I am enjoying is finding new blogs - Two that I recently have found and am enjoying are Kathy's Cottage and Blue Barn Bulletin. These fun ladies are sister in laws. Kathy is collecting easy and delicious summer recipes and Karen is celebrating a daughter's 13th birthday.

If you get a chance, pop on over and say hi!


Karen said...

Wow, thanks so much for your kind words!

Teaching "Emma" for hs co-op sounds like a big undertaking. Do you have to make your own curriculum up or is there one available to use already that you like?


Anonymous said...

I saved them to look at later!! Thanks!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

For teaching Emma, I will just make up my own curriculum. I like to discuss the regency period, what it was like to live then, what political things were happening in the world (Napoleon, War of 1812.

I also like to look at the themes of Jane Austen's books - what is she telling us about her world view, morality etc...

It is so fun to talk about the characters that are funny, or cads.

Emma will be a good discussion because her character is "stuck up" and not as warm and loving at first as say Lizzie Bennet.

We do 20 weeks of classes and then we also will have a tea and several balls - where we dance English Country Dances!

Too fun!

Kathleen Grace said...

My sis Karen told me to come over and see that you had recommended our blogs. Thanks so much for you kind words. I am so glad you enjoy our little windows on our world. Always such a surprise when I find others like to visit. Thank you again, you made my day:>)

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