Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

We've Been Having Some Fun!

We went to a park day last week. Sarah mentioned that she wanted to stay and eat lunch at the park, as she had never done that! So we did.

Kyle enjoyed himself, too!

Sarah enjoying her sandwich, minus her two front teeth!

Saturday night we were invited to visit some co-op friends, who were camping near our cottage. We had a good time visiting and enjoying their campfire, oh, and eating ice cream.

Sunday evening saw us over at Hospitality Lane, enjoying some like minded fellowship and some ultimate frisbee! The kids begged the dads to join in and Tim says he thinks the dads had the most fun!

Here Lindsay tries to block Chelsea...

While Grandpa keeps score!

Later the girls and Mikey cleaned up the kitchen all on their own. They did such a great job that I have invited everyone to my house this Sunday, so I can get my kitchen cleaned! hee hee

We are so thankful for the blessings God has given us in our family friendships!


Becky K. said...

The kids did a great job on the kitchen. Can we do this weekly? I guess I'll let you get yours done this week...

It was so much fun. I keep hearing about that frisbee game. How much fun was had!!!!

Becky K.

Alicia @ said...

Looks like some filled days!!! Glad you all had a great time together!!!

Information Friday

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