Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, June 13, 2008

New Tea Cup

About three years ago, my dear husband bought me a very special tea cup. You see, he and I would sit in the evenings out on our deck, drinking tea and coffee. I would frequently sigh and say "Sometimes, these tea cups just aren't big enough. I get the perfect cup of tea and sometimes I just want a bit more. Pouring a new cup isn't the same."

He went on a work related trip to N.H. and when he came home he surprised me with the special cup. What made it special? It's size! It was much bigger than the normal size and yet still the beautiful porcelain and lovely roses. About two months later, we were hosting his family for the day. Being a missionary family there have been few times that they have had the opportunity to get together, especially with their mom. That evening, my dear mother in law, had used the tea cup, and it was sitting on the counter. She was being a help and putting glasses away in the cupboard and I bet you can guess what happened. Yes, indeed one came crashing down right into that beautifully large teacup!

You can see that we were able to glue it but it is unusable for tea drinking!

We have looked for a new one, but never found one.

I have beautiful tea cups, many, many tea cups .....

but none of them were the size of that special one.

We frequently make a pot of tea in the evening for whoever is interested and Wednesday night, we used the last of our favorite tea PG Tips. Yesterday, when my darling husband came home from work, he had a gift for me. He had stopped at Best of Britain it the city for a box of tea and brought home a new tea cup! A special one!

Just look at it beside a regular tea cup! Isn't it pretty?

Look at that beautiful color - fresh brewed tea!

Don't cry for that other unfortunate tea cup. I just couldn't bear to toss it, so it lives it's life out on top of my cupboards in the kitchen. Where no one can see its broken side but can only see it beauty!

Thank you Tim, for showing me love through this surprise and for you continual thoughtfulness. I love you.


Anonymous said...

What are PG Tips?? Can you show? Are they regular tea bags??

Tim, you are one cool dude!!

Melissa G said...

That's a beautiful cup! It's the Queen of the Tea Cups!
That was so thoughtful of Uncle Tim! The old special tea cup looks beautiful up there residing over the kitchen.

Phyllis said...

What a thoughtful man he is. Please don't tell him I said that though. Ha

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