Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Doing A Little Fixin' Up

Yesterday, after working for 12 long days in a row, my dear husband decided to put the new door in our kitchen. You can't tell by this photo, but the old one was a mess, and so was the framing.

Here is the old door and yucky wood.

On the inside he carefully removed the door trim that he designed and built, and installed our new door. It has 12 windows instead of 9 like our old one. Kyle can look out the door now!

Here it is last night with the trim put back.

And today, with our new screen door installed. This screen door matches the front screen door. It is all cottagy cuteness now!

Now to figure out how to keep the dogs from scratching at it, or the cat climbing up.



Anonymous said...

Very nice job Tim!!

Can we borrow Tim for a week or two??

Tracy said...

Oh! I just adore that screen door!

Alicia @ said...

Auntie Dee, your beautiful screen door reminds me of my childhood house. I absolutely love the look of those, so elegant looking! Kyle will love being able to look out!

To keep the dogs off of our screen the vet told us to put water and some vinegar in a small squirt bottle and when they go to do that to squirt some at them, it will only make them sneeze but they really do get the point and stop!!

Becky K. said...

LOVE it!!!!! That screen door is so YOU!!!!

Becky K.

Melissa G said...

It looks very nice!

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