Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, March 26, 2010


They don't look like much right now, but I have to say we are pretty excited....

Are seeds are leaning toward the light....we have broccoli planted, kinds of lettuce, and 4 kinds of tomatoes.

The other veggies like peppers, squash and beans will go directly in the ground. Oh, and french baby carrots - those look good! What amazing veggie platters we will have around here this summer...I also hope to freeze some peppers and broccoli, and maybe can some tomato sauce too. I like trying new things in the home.

If you are interested in Lasagna gardening check out my friend Kelly's post here.


Becky K. said...

Do you rotate your seedlings to keep them as straight as they can be?

I am always turning the plants in our big window. Even there they lean....seeking the most light possible.

Kelly's post is great. I hope their lasagna garden does very well.

Becky K.

The Pleasures of Homemaking said...

I have some peat pots going too with cauliflower and leeks. I don't usually start seeds inside so I'm excited to see if it works for me!


Karen said...

We have our first little seedlings leaning toward the sun, too. It is exciting, isn't it?

Clarence has been trying to figure out where to start some peppers. We like to start those ahead of time because they seem to take a long time to fruit-but they need someplace consistently warm for germination. So far, the greenhouse isn't very warm so he's been kind of stuck.

We tried lasagna gardening last year. I used my excess of paper grocery store bags when we ran out of newspaper. I'm sure we'll use it selectively again this year. Off to look at Kelly's post...

Tracy said...

Isn't is exciting to see seeds grow?

Collin recently planted some cacti, and is eagerly waiting. Unfortunately, the seed packet said germination is 7-56!!!!! days.

Simple Home said...

It was interesting to read about Lasagna gardening, I'd never heard that term before. We're having wonderful weather and getting things planted around here too.
Have a wonderful weekend.

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I was watching a preview of the West Ladie's DVD about gardening (Franklin Springs). The preview was about lasagna gardening!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Yes I do rotate them!

I love the West Ladies! I have many of their videos, they are very down to earth, and a fun way to learn new things. My girls and I watch them together!

Tracy said...

I'm planning on working on our veggie garden this week sometime. Fresh food from the garden Yummy!

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