Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Spring, Sunshine, and Celebrations

Spring has been gently coming to visit us...we have been in the 50's for several days now and we are enjoying the sunshine and blue skies very much! I can see garden bulbs coming up and I have heard that the crocus are up at Longwood Gardens!

What joy it is to have the windows open and to go outside to play. Yesterday we hung outside for most of the day - rode bikes - oh, a certain boy is now riding without his training wheels, even though as he says "he is a little nervous." So cute and funny.

Emily's birthday fun is now in like day 6 or 7 - it having started last Wednesday with getting long layers cut into her hair, gifts giving throughout the week, family dinner out for her birthday on Saturday, a huge party on Sunday afternoon with about 60 people here, then her friends sleeping over and going shopping and to lunch yesterday. Now today she has been to PennDot to take her learner's permit test, and then to breakfast with her Dad. That is his tradition with the kids, breakfast out with him - they love it and so does he!

My post yesterday about my sweet 16 girl was my 900th post! I do want to do something to acknowledge it but still working on that...It will come to me and when it does, I will let you know!


sherry said...

oohhh so much to catch up on . . .

jAne :o)

Melissa G said...

That's so fun when birthdays can be streatched out and enjoyed like that!

Pink Slippers said...

I am SOOO excited that Spring will be here very soon. My children are too.

Abounding Treasures said...

Happy 16th to your dear daughter and oh how wonderful it must be to enjoy the sunshine and warmth and watch your little one ride his bike with NO training wheels ... the simple joys of being a mother!!

Blessings to you and yours :o)

Becky K. said...

Georgia has yellow crocus in her back flower bed. Yay!!!!

You sure did have a full house on Sunday evening. It was fun~

I made an unexpected trip to Longwood today. Helping a friend who was sad. It was such good medicine!!

Kelly said...

Did Emily pass her permit test? I certainly hope so.

Yes, I love this weather! Not looking forward to four or five days of rain though.

Thanks for the tip on my mis-type on my blog. Sometimes my mind moves faster than my fingers:)

Simple Home said...

What a switch, it's warmer there than it is here. It got up to about 40 here today, but we had a terrible wind chill, so it felt much colder. The mountains looked beautiful though. My 16yo daughter doesn't have her permit yet. She hasn't been interested, and we haven't pushed it. My oldest son was chomping at the bit when he was old enough to drive.
Enjoy your good weather.

Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...