Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Good Morning!

These are our chickens...Lottie and Lola...I wanted to show you a few more photos but I don't have enough space yet.  I decided to purchase more storage, it was inexpensive and seemed to be the simplest thing to do.

I have been enjoying this week a lot.  I have felt very productive...homemade bread, home cooked meals, school with the kids....I even sat down yesterday and planned out the Christmas Tea for our ladies at church!  I finished my crocheted scarf...I really like it a lot.  I am going to have to make more!

We have co-op Manners class is going to work on writing thank you notes and using calligraphy pens...after today we only have 2 more weeks in this semester...I am looking forward to the break!

 I made more spelt bread yesterday.  The kids and Tim really like it - you should give it a try!  Yummy!

Rachel has had a cough, she tends to be the one who gets colds and things easily...she probably will hang out here at home with Kay and Kamryn today, instead of going to co-op. 
Have a wonderful day!


Chicken Wrangler said...

A "Manners Class" sounds like something that every child should have access to. We were taught in school how to write clearly, how to write friendly letters, thank you notes, and also how to send invitations! Everything is done on computer, or you go pick up cards, fill in the blanks, and your computer can address them FOR YOU! I miss the old ways of doing things....

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Good Morning Sweetie...
What a beautiful share this morning. I am sure loving Ms Lola and Ms Lottie. They are exquisite. There are so many times I wish I lived in the country or at least one block over in the farm acreages. Then I could have chickens too. I adore yours and Monica's (The Chicken Wrangler).

I will have to give your bread recipe a try. I love baking. I will keep you posted.

Have a beautiful day sweet friend. I pray that sweet Rachel gets to feeling a little better soon.

Many hugs and much love, Sherry

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I e-mailed my daughter this morning that these days of shorter sunshine is making time SEEM to fly by.

Not too early to plan for the Holidays!

Tracy said...

Your hens are adorable. What a blessing to have a happy and productive week! Love you!

Sue said...

Love your hens, and I have chickens too, and love and enjoy them so much. They are so entertaining. And let's not forget those fresh eggs.
I will check on the spelt bread recipe, I have decided to try sourdough bread and have a starter I am working on,and hope to make some soon.
Thank you for sharing and for coming by to visit, and taking the time to leave me such a sweet comment.

The Pennington Point said...

Good for you on the spelt bread. Mine never turns out as pretty and fluffy. I definitely want to see more chickens! Lisa~

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...