Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Our Tree

We traditionally go a cut our Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving.  But, Lindsay was at work and the younger girls had a sleepover at Grandma and Grandpa's.  What to do? We went anyway! Emily and Kyle helped us pick a great tree!

Isn't it lovely?  We all liked it right away!

Mr. Red Boots was very pleased with it!

 Speaking of boots, check out my cute plaid boots from Target!  These are the first real snow boots I have ever had...they come in handy for wet, muddy situations, too.  Besides, I adore plaid!

The tree was cut in a matter of minutes, thanks to my man!

My little man loves to help his he is trying to help carry the tree!

After the whole afternoon decorating the house and she is in all her glory, in the morning beautiful!

A bit of tidying this morning and I am basically done.  I have a few more things to show you and then I hope to link up to a Christmas Open House or Party.  

Well, my home beckons.  Laundry to fold and put away, some much needed vacuuming ( I love to add Orange and Spice scented oil to my vacuum cleaner bag!  Make a wonderful fragrance all through the room), some dusting, you know the basic home keeping work.  I don't always "love" to do these things, especially when I would rather read, or play with my computer.  But I do love the privilege the Lord has given me to have my family and home, and to extend hospitality to others through my home.  So I try to cheerfully do the foundational work of the home that allows me the fun and public functions of my home.  Does that make sense?

Have a wonderful day, in whatever you do today! 


sherry said...

your tree is beautiful!
love that your little man helped the big man with the tree.
so sweet.

Tracy said...

Lovely tree!

I'm wondering when ours will go up. I wanted to wait until Gallagher was gone, but I'm not sure when that will be.

Love the photo of Emily and Kyle, and the ones of Kyle and Tim. And your boots? Perfect!

So, how do you add oil to the bag? Instructions, please?

Melissa G said...

Oh how pretty! I love your tree!

Andrea said...

Love your choices of trees and those boots rock!

Abounding Treasures said...

Yes, it does make sense!!

I love your tree and how everyone had a delightful time together :o)

The Pennington Point said...

Oh it's so pretty! I love our little men and our big men. They are amazing. Lisa~

Grace @ Sense and Simplicity said...

Your tree looks so pretty. I'm always afraid to put our tree up too early as all the needles will fall off by Christmas. I bet cutting your own solves that problem as the tree will be fresher. Congrats for getting the tree up - it is always a major undertaking.

Simple Home said...

You're going to have to let me know how you add oil to your vacuum bag! I enjoyed all the photos. I don't know how you've lived where you live and not owned snow boots before. My toes would be frozen all of the time. Your new ones are so cute!
The tree looks so pretty too.

Autumn said...

I LOVE the picture of Emily and Kyle!

Cheri' said...

What a beautiful tree! We have the very same tradition in our family. This year we were missing our son and his family (except we took his son - our grandson, Luke) Altogether there were 12 of us. We haven't decorated it yet, but it sure smells wonderful! I love your boots and your blog!!

Terri said...

Just read about your trip to the tree farm...right after posting about our tree hunt at Costco! We've cut ours down a few times...but hardly enough to call it a tradition! Also...we both called our trees "she"-why do you suppose that is!!?

Becky K. said...

I love the photos of getting the tree. What a very special tradition.

It looks amazing!

Anonymous said...

Your tree is gorgeous! So festive and cosy. (o:

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...