Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Frosty Morning

 It was cold over night...we had a freeze warning last week, but it didn't happen here.  Last night though, we did get frost. 

"The third day comes a frost, a killing frost." Shakespeare  For us it was the second day....

 As I stood outside talking to Emily this morning I heard a sound like water running in the was the leaves falling off the Mulberry tree.  This tree was full of leaves yesterday and now a good portion of them are covering the ground.

 This tree as well...the leaves have been a beautiful as you can see the ground is covered in yellow...

 Frost on the deck railing...I had to run the car for a bit this morning to get the windows defrosted before I went to vote.

 One of my Red Sunset Maples...the leaves are a darker red this year than their usual orange-red mix.  I wonder if the dry summer had anything to do with it?  Also, most years it is in full color by mid October and now on November 2nd, it is still only partly changed.

 The Echinacea with pretty.

Looking down on my red garden chair it is blushed with frost this morning, too!  That would be one cold seat!

I am looking forward to seeing how the elections go today.  I have HOPE we are going to have some CHANGE....

Rachel is struggling with a cold, Sarah has started with one...I love that we homeschool and can still get learning accomplished on days that they don't feel their best.  Days like this where we don't have a car available to us, so we will hunker down inside, with maybe a break for some fresh air later...I see several chapters in "On The Bank Of Plum Creek", civics, of course, science, music appreciation, more Narnia adventures....sounds like a great day to me.

I haven't blogged about church lately other than to show photos of our get togethers on Sundays, but the Lord is at work.  Becky, at Hospitality Lane, has written a great post about it today.  Click on her blog name to go read about how God is at work through our church.  It is exciting stuff.

 And because I can, a photo of Miss Kamryn, held by her great-grandma, wearing a headband.  I love this wee girl so much.  She has been coming to church every week with her Mommy and Daddy.  This is exciting stuff.  Kamryn's great - grammy, Tim's Mom Jean had a birthday on Sunday- she is now 89 years old!  She says she is starting to feel her age...she still volunteers at a food bank, plays the organ at church and drives herself around!  We were so happy to see her this past summer.  With Tim's brother being home from Senegal, West Africa this year, we are hoping to get all the family together to have a reunion and to celebrate Jean's 90th year of life!

Well, there is so much to do, the Narnian adventures are being listened to, and I have beds to make, etc....


Becky K. said...

The Echinacea is so lovely. Great shot!

Thanks for the linky love. I know, when I stand back and look at what God is doing, I am so amazed and so grateful.

Becky K.

tea time and roses said...

Lovely post. Your blog is dressed so beautifully for autumn. Thanks so much for sharing. Blessing to you.



Bee said...

Yesterday, I picked what will be our last zucchini, tomatoes, and yellow squash. I'm afraid the frost got the plants. I'm so sad.

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...