Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, November 22, 2010


I so love it here.

I think I could move here, and work for Colonial Williamsburg, perhaps giving tea parties or telling history, giving tours or some such thing. 

This is a place that marries my love of history with a love of the location and the time period, etc....

Tomorrow we are taking senior photos for Emily and Chelsea, the weather has been divine...supposed to be 74 degrees here tomorrow.  As my camera has again died, I am relying on Lindsay for photos.  And as we do not have wifi available (don't want to pay $30) I can't post photos yet.  Soon!

Just know that the little folk have been in the hottub everyday, we had a lovely time shopping in the historic district today, a great dinner out with Warren, Becky and Ruth, lots of laughs over ice cream at Baskin Robbins (shhhhh, don't tell the kids!).  It is so good to have great fellowship.

I hope my Momma is reading this post.  Did you remember to get my turkey out of the freezer? I hope so! We love and miss you guys!

I got inspiration today to sew somethings for my younger girls...things that they adore, but we won't pay for here....I'm thinking they would be a delightful surprise for Christmas!


Phyllis said...

Turkey? I say let's all go to Cracker Barrel for Thanksgiving. We could not wait so we defrosted it in the bathtub full of water last night and we had turkey dinner for dinner tonight . Hope you don't mind. It was yummy.

Phyllis said...

Turkey? I say let's all go to Cracker Barrel for Thanksgiving. We could not wait so we defrosted it in the bathtub full of water last night and we had turkey dinner for dinner tonight . Hope you don't mind. It was yummy.

Tracy said...

I'm jealous! Have a great time.

Terri said...

Sounds like a wonderful place to be in the Fall! Can't wait to see the pics of the girls! Enjoy your last moments of vacay!

Melissa G said...

So glad you are having such a great time there!

Anonymous said...

I was just thinking about all of you this morning....praying for a time of refreshment, bonding, fun.... Glad to hear you are doing that!
We are thankful for a warm home with more than one bathroom....we have the stomach/intestinal virus still making its rounds. Thankful that it won't last forever!! :)

Laura K.

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Your last paragraph reminds me so much of the years I lived in Iowa and my best friend and I would go into "expensive" shops.

One of us would always look at the other and say, "I can make that!". :)

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...