Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, November 29, 2010

Keeping Christ In Christmas #1

I love the  Christmas season - the lights, the trees, the snow, presents, the music.  But in all of this fun, I don't want to lose sight of what we are celebrating.  I know we may not know when Jesus was actually born, but we love to spend this time focusing on His Coming and the reason He came.  

So we spend time reading good stories, and talking about Jesus' birth.  I put up Nativity sets and our advent calendars always include verses that tell the Story.

This year I found another way to focus on the Reason for the season.
 In the early Autumn I popped into my local Kirkland's.  I normally don't go into stores like this because I try not to buy things I really don't need, even if they are cute and would be perfect in my house.  You know.   This time I spied this painting of the Nativity.  It's perfectI waited and recently they had a deal, so I talked to Tim and bought it!  It is about 25" x 38 1/2", just right over my sofa!

This is what captured my heart.  It's simple, Mary, Joseph with light in hand, showing the humble shepherd's, the baby.

When I look at it I am reminded that God gave the Good News to simple men, and they went and told.  Those who heard marveled at what the shepherds had to say.  I want to still marvel at the gift that was given and to tell it to my children so they can marvel too.


Unknown said...

Very Good Reminder Mrs. Rabe. Thank you for sharing. May we all remember the reason for the season...

Tracy said...

Great reminder of what Christmas is about. I love that picture!!

Jackie said...

This is a great reminder of the reason we celebrate. It's a beautiful picture!


Anonymous said...

Amen! And what a *beautiful* picture!

Thank you for visiting my blog today and leaving such a kind comment. (o:


Andrea said...


Beth said...

What a lovely picture! I know what you mean about trying to emphasize the Lord at Christmas...after all, HE is the reason, right??
Last year, God really laid it on my heart to put Christ first at Christmas and I was able to buy LOTS of nativity scenes at a discount after Christmas! I am sooo excited to get those out THIS year! I have gotten rid of most secular Christmas expressions, Santa Claus, etc...except my nutcrackers...and am really excited to have Jesus's birth once again the focus of our Christmas!

Chicken Wrangler said...

It's so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the season, but let us not forget to pause and remember the One who gave all for us, so we can have eternal life!

Cheri' said...

What a beautiful picture! It really is a challenge to keep Christ first in Christmas. Thanks for helping us focus on what truly matters.

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